In all honesty, even MGS3 HD holds up very well today. Kojima has always been on the cutting edge of graphics on every platform he's made a game for. He's pushed the boundaries of the PS1, then PS2, then PS3 (for '08), then PSP... I have no doubt Ground Zeroes will look about as good as the shown demo on PS3.
No announcement yet.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Assassin's Cell Solid)
Yeah but it's also not unlike them use a development render and pass it off as such. They did that at the TGS in 2005 where they show cased a 12 minute video like they did for MGS2 in 2000, except unlike MGS2's it wasn't actually running on the game engine properly, just a development platform. Much like this.
In that case the look and style of the game was shown, but the graphics looked better than the final product and definently way better than the team could have accomplished on the actual hardware in 2005 (if the behind the scenes on the making of BD is anything to go by). But they didn't say otherwise. They said that was the game.Last edited by Rombie; 09-03-2012, 10:37 PM.
Ok so bear with me here...I just came up with this theory while laying in bed hitting the snooze button. I have not read or heard this anywhere else, so if it's been said before, this is purely coincidence. I thought this up on my own.
Kojima has gone out of his way to say that MGS: GZ is a "prologue" to MGS5 and that it is NOT "Project OGRE" that he's been working on for a while. Riddle me this. What could possibly be big enough in the MGS storyline to title it MGS5, if GZ is indeed a prologue? What could happen after this game's events?
Well, here's my idea. OGRE = Original Games REmade. Full-fledged remakes for Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Outer Heaven and Zanzibarland. Solid Snake becoming a legend, fighting Gray Fox and Big Boss, FINALLY done justice on next-gen consoles.
What do you think?Last edited by Vector; 09-04-2012, 11:39 AM.
I would love it if OGRE really was that Vector, I truly would. I don't like remakes, but I'd be prepared to make an exception to finally see them fit seamlessly within the canon, and I love Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
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So, I've been doing some digging about the various theories up-for-debate. . .
I suppose I'll start off sharing this video I came across, which is a trailer breakdown by a youtube user.
While I think this guy is wrong about the kid in the cage being Raiden, or that "Snake is back on 'Fox'(Which was clearly referencing the Fox Engine, not the organization), he has certainly perked my hopes back up that this game does indeed take place in the mid-eighties. As he mentions in the video, the sony walkman model was a mid-eighties type, 'Here's to You' wasn't available on cassette until 1985. Also to mention another thing about the cassette player(From another site I found), the cassette player has an "auto reverse" button. . .which didn't exist until--you guessed it--1985. The helicopter's the "XOF" and burned men are apparently Black Hawks, and those weren't commissioned until 1979. Add to this Snake's gray beard and grayed hair, and Miller's comment about how age hasn't slowed Snake down one bit(besides being a MGS1 reference, it's hard to see how this could happen shortly or within a year or two after the events of Peace Walker.
The only wrench in all of this is the boy in the cage. Is that really Chico? I want to say yes. He does look close to Chico's artwork and design in Peace Walker, but call me crazy, but his body language reeks of Solid Snake. Chico was a very eccentric character in PW. Unless the sudden change in demanor is supposed to signify that he's been broken or something. . .but I don't buy it. The way the camera emphasis's the boy's face when he finally looks at the burned man, it certainly seems like it's meant to say "Hey, this is important!" And Chico's not really that important of a character to get that kind of emphasis, in my opinion. Not to mention, the way the burned man speaks to him(like the commentator mentions in the video), he speaks to him like he's an American. Also, the line, "No more war games--you're a real man now, soldier" doesn't make sense in context to Chico, since Chico is already apart of MSF(could be reading too much into that, don't know).
Not to mention, the dogs in the trailer are Rhodesian Risgebacks, the same ones showcased previously in the "Big Boss wants YOU!" artwork and Fox Engine screenshots. That's a direct reference to Africa, and more importantly, Rhodesia, which is where/when Grey Fox murdered Naomi's parents, and adopted her as his sister. And given the possible timeframe, it should be around the time Solidus was wagging wars with little Jack the Ripper. And speaking of Solidus, does anyone think he's the Snake in the mirrored posters they released? Even though the subtitle is cleary a reference to Zero/Bigboss, why is his beard nor hair have any gray? Makes even more sense considering the poster is mirrored, and Solidus is technically the true 100% copy of Big Boss.
The more and more I think about it, I REALLY want this game to be mid-eighties. There's just so much of the MGS lore and mythology wrapped around that time period. And it certainly seems like Africa is certainly going to be s setting, so I suppose what Kojima means by "prequel to MGS5", is that Zero Grounds sets up both the beginnings of Outer Heaven and Zanzibar Land. Which leads too. . .
Originally posted by Vector View PostOk so bear with me here...I just came up with this theory while laying in bed hitting the snooze button. I have not read or heard this anywhere else, so if it's been said before, this is purely coincidence. I thought this up on my own.
Kojima has gone out of his way to say that MGS: GZ is a "prologue" to MGS5 and that it is NOT "Project OGRE" that he's been working on for a while. Riddle me this. What could possibly be big enough in the MGS storyline to title it MGS5, if GZ is indeed a prologue? What could happen after this game's events?
Well, here's my idea. OGRE = Original Games REmade. Full-fledged remakes for Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Outer Heaven and Zanzibarland. Solid Snake becoming a legend, fighting Gray Fox and Big Boss, FINALLY done justice on next-gen consoles.
Originally posted by Dark_Chris View PostIt is set a few months after PW. Big Boss looks older because of the FOX Engine.
Originally posted by BBboy20 View PostKojima has stated that there are actual ogres in it so I'd guess that's his confirmation it's not Metal Gear.
Last edited by valentinesdead?; 09-04-2012, 11:41 PM.sigpic
In MGS1 Liquid said "Big Boss was in his late fifties when they created his copies." That was since retconned. That would've put him in his late 40's in Snake Eater, which is incorrect. I think he was in his early to mid 30's in Snake Eater, which would put him in his early 40's around Peace Walker, and 50's during the 80's.
Originally posted by Vector View PostThat was since retconned.Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."
To go back to the graphics discussion, this new demo of The Last of Us released today reaffirms my belief that what Kojima showed is indicative of what the game will look like... at least on PS3. If Naughty Dog can make a game look this good, then Kojima, a notorious system-spec-pusher, will do the same.