Released for the Famicom in 1989, only in Japan: Sweet Home. Based on a horror film. Supposedly a forerunner to RE and one of the first survival horror games. < For more info.
Anyways. I assume I cannot be the only one who has played, and loved, the gem that is Sweet Home. I don't think I ever beat the end and the game was lost when my computer crashed; as with all the things I downloaded. This game honestly scared (and still does) me. Creepy atmosphere, and if someone dies, they're gone for good. Realistic in that aspect. I was thinking about dropping the cash for a repro cart but... Sweet Home repro carts are very pricy. Like I said: Anyone else play/played it? < For more info.
Anyways. I assume I cannot be the only one who has played, and loved, the gem that is Sweet Home. I don't think I ever beat the end and the game was lost when my computer crashed; as with all the things I downloaded. This game honestly scared (and still does) me. Creepy atmosphere, and if someone dies, they're gone for good. Realistic in that aspect. I was thinking about dropping the cash for a repro cart but... Sweet Home repro carts are very pricy. Like I said: Anyone else play/played it?