So to list it all
- Games locked to an account, need pay if buy a used game or borrow/lend one.
- The price is apparently full price to play a used game.
- If your disc is sold on or even borrowed and used, you're install of it stops working the moment someone else uses it.
- Need connect online once a day or no playing even single player games.
- Cannot remove hardrive, forced to use external HD.
- Forced full installs of every game (and now not limited by DVD, expect BIG file sizes)
- The TV stuff needs a seperate cable/sat box connected to it. (So much for 'One')
- TV stuff is 'US only at launch' which if anything like 360s efforts means US only, forever.
- Kinect is required, and is always on.
- No backwards compatibility, physical or digital.
I miss anything?
- Games locked to an account, need pay if buy a used game or borrow/lend one.
- The price is apparently full price to play a used game.
- If your disc is sold on or even borrowed and used, you're install of it stops working the moment someone else uses it.
- Need connect online once a day or no playing even single player games.
- Cannot remove hardrive, forced to use external HD.
- Forced full installs of every game (and now not limited by DVD, expect BIG file sizes)
- The TV stuff needs a seperate cable/sat box connected to it. (So much for 'One')
- TV stuff is 'US only at launch' which if anything like 360s efforts means US only, forever.
- Kinect is required, and is always on.
- No backwards compatibility, physical or digital.
I miss anything?