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Resident Evil 2 remake by fans.

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  • Resident Evil 2 remake by fans.

    Gotta say I'm pretty damn impressed by what they have here. I only hope it doesnt end up as a project we hear about once or twice and then disappears.

  • #2
    Minus the sucked in camera and deformed pivoting Leon, it looks better than Chronicles.
    Last edited by Mikhail; 01-28-2014, 04:50 PM.


    • #3
      The Zombie animation test videos look impressive. The animation is so fluid, though it may have been ripped form something else. CAPCOM, get a clue and remake the game already. If you announced a remake, your stocks would sky rocket so much.
      My Head-Fi Page


      • #4
        Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
        though it may have been ripped form something else
        Pretty succinct description of this crap.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • #5
          The only problem I have with this is that it looks like its using Darkside rips and models .. which means (maybe) we will only see areas from that game - no factory, RE2 sewers, save rooms, some rooms from the station and puzzles..

          I pray that I'm wrong. Also the animations need to be slowed down, Leon moves way too fast..
          "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


          • #6
            It´s Leon from Darkside Chronicles and the RPD hall is also from that game. Anyone can find the assets from that game on Deviant Art.

            There is no way we can get a RE2 remake from fans. Once you realize the huge amount of job you need to do to make an entire game you realize that it´s better to do your own project and take profit from it, instead of doing a free game for a very small group of people.

            Even if they can port some character models and scenarios from the Chronicles, there is still a lot of those that need to be made from scratch.
            Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 01-29-2014, 08:22 AM.
            The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


            • #7
              Interesting how all these mods start in the main hall and never progress any further. I have yet to see someone create a decent fan game with gameplay similar to retail, not even IGAS has done that yet - though 99% sure that will change with release of preview edition


              • #8
                there are at least 6 of these going on right now. no exaggeration.

                sure it looks ok, but they have asked for money, and because they will be eventually be giving away licensed content illegally, it can only be assumed they will be shut down.

                also "There is no way we can get a RE2 remake from fans. Once you realize the huge amount of job you need to do to make an entire game you realize that it´s better to do your own project and take profit from it, instead of doing a free game for a very small group of people." - Lanzagranadas



                • #9
                  it wont be completed I don't know why these people bother showing us all their work only for them to stop working on the project a few months later , they say on their website the game will be completed for December 2014 LOL I think not , trouble is as well fans who really want a re2 remake see this and get their hopes up and then the project just dies because the creators lose interest because they are not getting paid because it's a fan project, or they say they had to stop because of "personal" problems or they will get a C&D from capcom , so yes it looks nice but it will never be completed , I've seen so many come and go.


                  • #10
                    i swear. if fans had any respect and dignity for classic gaming, they would especially leave RE2 alone. but no, fans never do it seems. they ruin gaming more developers do.,
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                    • #11

                      This mod was made using darkside chronicles models and enviroment. Looks pretty good to bad that person will not continue on it.

                      I just hope invadergames use darkside chronicles character models and enhance them instead using operation raccoon city models they looked worse.
                      Last edited by GamerTak3r; 03-09-2014, 10:43 AM.


                      • #12
                        Maybe Capcom should remake it like they did with the original.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GamerTak3r View Post

                          This mod was made using darkside chronicles models and enviroment. Looks pretty good to bad that person will not continue on it.

                          I just hope invadergames use darkside chronicles character models and enhance them instead using operation raccoon city models they looked worse.
                          i dunno, it has features we HAD and we DONT want in a RE game: RE6 running animations, RE TDC features with its ridiculous RE4 ganado's hit animations.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by GamerTak3r View Post

                            This mod was made using darkside chronicles models and enviroment. Looks pretty good to bad that person will not continue on it.

                            I just hope invadergames use darkside chronicles character models and enhance them instead using operation raccoon city models they looked worse.
                            It's an interesting video but it just isn't the same without fixed camera angles. I realize that not everyone appreciates them but there simply isn't any cinematic quality to be had with OTS in this game.
                            "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Graco View Post
                              It's an interesting video but it just isn't the same without fixed camera angles. I realize that not everyone appreciates them but there simply isn't any cinematic quality to be had with OTS in this game.
                              I agree. It's not a true remake unless it has fixed camera angles.

