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Resident Evil 2 remake by fans.

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  • #16
    "Hey guys, look at this awesome remake of <insert game here> I've made 5 to 10 minutes of awesome video of! I'm totally gonna finish it! [a few months pass] omg, sorry guys, lost interest, it's cancelled forever, sowwwwwy!" <--- 99.999% of remake fan projects in all of human history


    • #17
      It's the best vid of these RE2 "remakes" we've seen so far - and it also highlights how a RE2 remake shouldn't be done. I personally would get no enjoyment from simply playing such a game, already knowing every cut scene/room etc. While I thought the original RE1make changed some things too much (though I wonder how many ideas were supposed to be used in RE1 PSX anyway?), it was also highly enjoyable/scary as it was almost completely different in most areas.

      I'm always for "logical" extensions of an existing concept, as long as the people behind the changes really understand the original concept in the first place.


      • #18
        Looks awful - where is the fun in reusing assets anyway. We would have only ever accessed RE: DSC areas with missing areas out of RE2 (factory,sewers, RPD) and no puzzles.
        Aweful running anims and no fixed cams .. ew

        Like what Capcom did with Umbrella Chronicles - instead of remaking RE3, they just shoved RE Remake Jill into Outbreak . Booo!
        "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


        • #19
          It'd be alot better without the excessive lighting.


          • #20
            Trying to please everyone is the recipe for disaster.
            Last edited by PauseButton; 04-13-2014, 06:24 AM.


            • #21
              They can port character models, they can port rooms that exist in other game and they can port character´s animations. All they can do is port, and some programming to put everything together.

              To begin with, more than a half of the RPD just doesn´t exist in REDC, not even in REUC, so it has to be built from zero, and for that you need people to modelate a lot of rooms, texturize them, add collision maps, lights and all that stuff. I wonder if they really think they can create a RE2 remake just by porting content from a game which features not even a half of the content that the original RE2 had. There are a lot of missing content that has to be made from scratch: rooms, characters, triggered events, cutscenes, dialogue scripts, items, puzzles and more.
              Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 04-13-2014, 12:54 PM.
              The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


              • #22
                Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                They can port character models, they can port rooms that exist in other game and they can port character´s animations. All they can do is port, and some programming to put everything together.

                To begin with, more than a half of the RPD just doesn´t exist in REDC, not even in REUC, so it has to be built from zero, and for that you need people to modelate a lot of rooms, texturize them, add collision maps, lights and all that stuff. I wonder if they really think they can create a RE2 remake just by porting content from a game which features not even a half of the content that the original RE2 had. There are a lot of missing content that has to be made from scratch: rooms, characters, triggered events, cutscenes, dialogue scripts, items, puzzles and more.

                Its all well and good - but when you only have content from another game to use - no puzzles etc .. why bother.. Might as well play Outbreak or RE: DSC

                Unless these guys can show NEW custom content (like a shot of the factory, RPD Dark Room etc) well ... meh really IMO
                "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                • #23
                  Check this out, an article on a supposed 'alpha demo' for the same project.

                  I've seen a few attempts for an RE2 remake, and I definitely agree with an earlier post. I'm sure people get excited to build it together, but once they realise how much effort it will take the motivation begins to fade away. I'll probably check out this open alpha if it does come out.


                  • #24
                    So it's just RE4 with a Darkside/Umbrella Chronicles skin?



                    • #25
                      exceeded all my expectations so far, i will never doubt anyone again...


                      • #26
                        I'm really not impressed. As someone else stated, all they did was port models and animations from other games. I am also sick to death of these behind the shoulder camera games. If you're gonna do a fan remake why not use pre-rendered backgrounds like Zero and REmake? I understand it would take a very long time to recreate the backgrounds even better than the originals, but this is game development. If laziness is a factor that prevents you from dishing out quality material, you're in the wrong business.

                        I'm building Parasite Warz (my indie game) from scratch, doing everything from the 2.5D art, programming, and even the audio/music all by myself. There's no guarantee my game is even going to be a success with all that said and done but the important thing is I at least tried.

                        I would also hardly call them programmers, considering the DSC models were practically built for Unreal in the first place. All they did was script a few events and tweak some of the existing engine's mechanics.

                        Is it really that difficult to find 3D modelers? Answer: No. There are in fact plenty of 3D modelers that are willing to do freelance work, even for free. It's just laziness, plain and simple.

                        Also again, I may be in the minority but I am not jumping and excited for any sort of remake of RE2 and RE3. Both of these games are timeless classics and I feel a remake is just unnecessary. It's like supporting modern Hollywood and their ridiculous remake butchers of classic movies. OK, we get you've run out of ideas, butchering a timeless classic won't help any.


                        • #27
                          Everything is way too dark. I think they missed the memo that you can make a tense horror game without having everything be pitch black. The RE4 style is alright, but this could have been a lot better if they did it REmake/Zero style even if they kept the real-time environments.
                          Seibu teh geimu?


                          • #28
                            the power to the RPD is out and you need to put the main fuse in the generator. a puzzle that was originally in the game. it will get brighter.

                            they also have the option to switch between classic and 3rd person perspective.

                            who cares if they are programmers or the guerrilla type like me that just does what it takes to get a final product. regardless of anything else, it looks intense to play.

                            personally i love all the additions. carnage everywhere, water in the fountain like there was supposed to be(check out the room files), makes me wonder what else they added that was originally in the game at some point...

                            and best of all, there is actually a release planned!!! a buggy as hell playable demo is out already.

                            anything can be picked apart to sound bad. but really, this looks like more of a resident evil game than anything since code veronica. 4 if it was scarier.


                            • #29
                              I agree with VirusPunk, it doesn't look exactly impressive and barely feels like RE2 (if at all). They made some funky choices there, like the dark environments (as if darkness equals horror). They seem to be ignoring how the human eye can adjust to a certain degree of light by getting progressively used to it. Here all we see is always pure black, with some gleams of improper lights, and a flashlight that is ultimately useless as it doesn't even work like one of those used by actual police officers. Imagine if you were to play this with a static camera. Would you be able to see a thing? The funny thing is that darkness sound more like a lousy excuse to distract people from the horrible textures and geometry (which is still partially visible). They claim to have improved both, but all I can see is lazy material assignment and no changes to low-poly structures (it looks like garbage compared to what UE4 can do). Also, just mannequin zombies and a gun? Seriously, weren't they even able to add a second weapon or monster type after all this time?

                              Technicalities aside, they made several mistakes within just the first 10 minutes of game stretched into 30 for park walk's sake. A few can be attributed to "alpha" state, while some are either distraction errors or plain ignorance on the game. In case you missed them:
                              • the biggest: evolved lickers in the RPD hall, instead of regular ones;
                              • again with lickers, remember when they were completely blind? Now they have red-night vision, hooray;
                              • that black out is nonsensical and inconsistent. First, the sub generator should have kicked in as soon as the main one failed (why did it fail in the first place anyway?) and give power to at least important areas of the station, but apparently it's all dark yet some things grab power from an unknown source. Mumble;
                              • the gun shop has no front glass, but the neon sign gained the ability to fly;
                              • blood stains on the floor apparently serve as landing marks in alleys.

                              It's also interesting how they didn't show any of the planned new areas lacking from Darkside Chronicles rips. They looked pretty bland in their preparatory screenshots, like made with no criteria at all. Given the current results with the areas ported to UE4, it doesn't come off as a surprise; this is probably the worst part for somebody who tries to grab attention to a big project but clearly lacks some or most means of execution.

                              Still a long way to go before they get even close to a remake.
                              Last edited by Gemini; 07-20-2015, 04:42 PM.

                              Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                              , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                              • #30
                                I won't knock the effort that's gone into this project but watching this video only reinforces my belief even more that a remake of RE2 should never ever even be contemplated.
                                Last edited by TheBatMan; 07-22-2015, 06:36 PM.
                                "I've got 100 cows."
                                "Well I've got 104 friends."

