So I got got this free on Steam - anyone else got it? Is it worth installing? Never played the originals. The last game I got gifted (saints row IV) was a complete waste of time (and a waste of 20gb bandwidth).
No announcement yet.
I liked the demo I got to try at a vendor show a few months back.
Basically, they took Thief and did to it the same they did with Deus Ex. Tried to strike a nice balance between new streamlined game mechanics and the vibe of the good ol'. Seems like there's a lot of replay value in the scoring system the game uses too... If anything, the demo made it seem like they'd taken the original THIEF and studied games like Mirror's Edge, Assassin's Creed and Dishonored.
Cool, thanks! I was hoping for a "THIA hook" to draw me in as stealth games are not usually my thing (unless its Rainbox Six: Rogue Spear with waypoints and hacking PCs for the umpteenth time). The reviews seem quite critical compared to the originals but I'll give it a shot - Deus Ex Hr is also on my steam list untouched, been meaning to try that.
I was hoping for something like Deus Ex HR and Dishonored which I thought were both pretty good, some of the reviews make it sound like a drag though, especially if there is so much constant stealing that as one put it "makes you feel like a master cleaner not a master thief".