Okay, I'm gonna get this first detail out of the way; I'm not the one who's created or is in charge of this project. I'm simply putting this here to see if anyone has the skills for this & would be interested in helping out. Yes it's immensely weird for me to ask when I have a pretty low position in all of this, but what the hell. I offered to help the guy & we're all aspiring in some regard.
Now then, onto the matter at hand;
From the link above, you should see the workings of a machinima based in Skyrim. It's more of a historical thing than fantasy, as the voice acting actually calls for the proper accents of that day & age.
Here's the reason I'm showing this; A modder is needed that's experienced with importing custom 3d models into the Skyrim engine. From what I understand, there'll be a fair bit of that.
Obviously, I'm not expecting anyone to really show much enthusiasm for this, me being he one to represent it instead of the guy who's making it. But I can at least assure that I've been shown some of the assets to be used, and it's not some half-hearted effort they're just cobbling together.
Any responses or questions about this, I'll send the word over to the creator & things can be taken from there. Either that, or this is just some very strange & oddly specific scam. In which case, not really sure if I should feel like a fool or not o.0
Now then, onto the matter at hand;
From the link above, you should see the workings of a machinima based in Skyrim. It's more of a historical thing than fantasy, as the voice acting actually calls for the proper accents of that day & age.
Here's the reason I'm showing this; A modder is needed that's experienced with importing custom 3d models into the Skyrim engine. From what I understand, there'll be a fair bit of that.
Obviously, I'm not expecting anyone to really show much enthusiasm for this, me being he one to represent it instead of the guy who's making it. But I can at least assure that I've been shown some of the assets to be used, and it's not some half-hearted effort they're just cobbling together.
Any responses or questions about this, I'll send the word over to the creator & things can be taken from there. Either that, or this is just some very strange & oddly specific scam. In which case, not really sure if I should feel like a fool or not o.0