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  • darkness

    i saw it on my issue of game informer magazine it looks alright, did anyone play it though? is it good?

  • #2
    ummm it's kinda weird and the last boss is as easy but it's funny and violent ripping the souls outa the undead


    • #3
      what's it like then devil may cry kinda? what system is it on i forgot


      • #4
        Its a substandard attempt at an FPS of a substandard comic.
        Rented it yesterday, I thought it was pretty shoddy.


        • #5
          Originally posted by SinValentine View Post
          what's it like then devil may cry kinda? what system is it on i forgot
          it's on 360....and it's not worth's no way as good as dmc


          • #6
            oh alright, thanks for clearing it up. i guess it's one of those new games for the new gen consoles that end up sucking


            • #7
              yeah....i seems that way...maybe stranger i have somthing that might intrest ya mwahhhahaa


              • #8
                I liked it for the first 2-3 hours, then it got horribly repetitive and ended up sucking. No bosses was a major letdown too.


                • #9
                  no bosses : / so the storyline sucks then?


                  • #10
                    Well Resistance has a power generator type thing as a boss, not exactly great either haha. But I know what you mean.


                    • #11
                      A lot of Darkness hate here. I'll admit I beat this game in every way possible, I thought it was a blast. It won't be your standard affair FPS, its more like an Oblivion attempt at an FPS with a linear plotline. People may complain of it being repetitive but I blame them of lacking the imagination to explore the game's facets. You are given an assortment of abilities along with your guns and mattering on what you use in what combination can lead to very different results. I played the game twice and didn't fight the same battle twice.

                      Oh, and the voice acting and animations are SUPERB. I don't think I have heard better since Half Life 2.a

                      You may also want to try visiting websites like this one in the future instead of getting the opinions of 3 or 4 people to see that its really not a bad game at all. Metacritic sites are pretty reliable for the most part, use them.
                      Last edited by Krispy; 07-27-2007, 02:46 PM.

