Yeah, my oldie N64 unit isn't fried at all! So i got back to it when i realized it and having fun with RE2 with expansion memory module. Well, back then i didn't know what's the difference, but now i just made myself to re-plug packs and see what is it. I also have my N64 RGB modded so i play games with maximum picture quality. The game runs in hi-res mode with memory expansion, wow, but it also has some slowdowns in some locations (at least i noticed very good one in the corner in Chief's office left to the panel for stones).
Our little british plush breed kitty just fascinated with pictures on screen LOL He also likes lie on the N64 unit. I dunno why, he never watches on TV at all, but those videogame moving pictures really fascinates him LOL
Our little british plush breed kitty just fascinated with pictures on screen LOL He also likes lie on the N64 unit. I dunno why, he never watches on TV at all, but those videogame moving pictures really fascinates him LOL