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  • #46
    I have never even played Street Fighter before. IT looks kinda lame, to tell you the truth.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Weskers Flag View Post
      I have never even played Street Fighter before. IT looks kinda lame, to tell you the truth.


      • #48
        I've played pretty much all the Street Fighter games including the Alpha series, Marvel Vs Capcom, EX (crap) and the latest HD remix so I'm heavily anticipating SF 4.
        Last edited by aris13; 02-12-2009, 01:48 PM.


        • #49
          It's all about Soul Calibur, I tell you. Although I used to love Street Fighter II on my old Amiga. Just not into the series enough to warrant a purchase, I'm strapped for cash as it is.
          See you in hell.


          • #50
            Indeed Soul Calibur on the dremcast was just incredible.


            • #51
              I've got Street Fighter 4 on pre-order, only game i've ever preordered. Should be very fun.

              Then again, the only reason i haven't preordered RE5 is because i don't trust anyone enough to ship it on time for the release date and i couldn't bear being without RE5 for a day or two knowing that it is already out!


              • #52
                Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                It's all about Soul Calibur, I tell you. Although I used to love Street Fighter II on my old Amiga. Just not into the series enough to warrant a purchase, I'm strapped for cash as it is.
                To me they're a different breed. SoulCalibur filled my weapon-based fighting void and now Street Fighter will fill the other one =P


                • #53
                  Toss SC, unless it's SE or SC1 and stick to genuinely good fighters like SFIV, VF5 and T6.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Umon Daisuke View Post
                    Toss SC, unless it's SE or SC1 and stick to genuinely good fighters like SFIV, VF5 and T6.
                    Personally, T6 looks like a crazy re-hash of T5, and I still kinda enjoy the GC version of SC2, it's the only decent fighter with Link on it after all . And I sure am glad that I'm not the only one who enjoys VF 'round here (tho SEGA's to blame, that game stopped being accessible on VF4). Still, is there any word on when the windows version of SF4 is coming? And is it running on Capcom's MT Framework?


                    • #55
                      T6 is much a rehash of T5 as VF5 was to VF4, or SFIV to its many predecessors. Unlike SFIV which only hit the arcade not that long ago, the original T6 will be nearly 2 years when the home versions finally come out. It's hard to keep the excitement burning for that long.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Weskers Flag View Post
                        I have never even played Street Fighter before. IT looks kinda lame, to tell you the truth.
                        You blaspheme, GO TO YOUR ROOM


                        • #57
                          I used to play SF a little, but I really DON'T like graphics style of this one... So I will rather wait for KoFXII and BlazBlue...


                          • #58
                            I don't rate KOFXII, Im not a fan of Nona's art style, and although new sprites and animation is a great idea, returning EVERYONE's movesets, designs and styles back to their KOF95 movesets is a huge step in the wrong direction *Except Iori who finally has a new sprite and moveset similar to 96 Kyo's styles due to his lack of flames this year*


                            • #59
                              Yes... I agree with you, that it's big step back... But I'm still a huge SNK fan, so this game is a must buy for me (even though, the true next-gen KoF has yet to come)


                              • #60
                                Oh i'll definitley get the game but I've never liked Nona's style and its irritating that they chose him as the lead artist for XII, *then again, I was one of the few who liked KOF2003, especially Robert in the game he was always my main with Terry and Tizoc/Griffon Mask.*

                                It just seems very unimaginative that they restored everyones old costumes with exceptions to Kyo, Athena *but another schoolgirl costume? how old is she now!!!* and Iori.
                                Especially when Terry finally got his Garou: Mark of the Wolves costume in '03 *which i've always preffered over his 90's costume*

