The ghost head (struggle within) seemed a bit ok in the beginning ( i like that doll's laugh), but the further it goes, the stranger it became.Also my game was japanese, do I didnt get a single hint about the plot without a walkthrough.Had to use it ,coz was always stuck with the doctor killing me in the hospital. So then I managed to get to the end,and still it didnt impress me.Strange game,really,But still I would prefer it over CT3 (and yes, the boss fights and all those transformations are just..not belonging in original CT).The chopper guy's laughter is so annoying.At the moment Im in a boss fight with him,its so boring, boss fights are such in this game.Its just like you have to run, then turn and shoot,and run, the same and the same, the more health the boss has,the longer ur stuck there (I even get my left hand fingers tired from the controls heh). So..the first 2 CT with Jennifer were the best original CT in my opinion.
Im getting my Haunting ground game next weekHope its much better!Before that got Fatal frame 1&3, played a bit in the beginning they seem kinda...too much the same and a bit boring But anyways Ive heard that the best part is 2nd,so should give it a try.
About Forbidden siren Ive heard a lot of things, like its "too hard", "too boring" I dont even know who to trust,maybe I should just rent it for a day to try out.
Rule of rose seems really cool.But cant find it here yet.
Im getting my Haunting ground game next weekHope its much better!Before that got Fatal frame 1&3, played a bit in the beginning they seem kinda...too much the same and a bit boring But anyways Ive heard that the best part is 2nd,so should give it a try.
About Forbidden siren Ive heard a lot of things, like its "too hard", "too boring" I dont even know who to trust,maybe I should just rent it for a day to try out.
Rule of rose seems really cool.But cant find it here yet.