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Game of the Year 2007

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  • #16
    I would have to say that the best game of the year would be Silent Hill 0, the game is just a complete achievement! The game is amazing for it being scary on portable, which I really thought was not possible, but this game proved me wrong, has to be the best.


    • #17
      Has anyone here played MP3 Corruption yet? Just wondering if it was finally worth picking up or not...

      PS - Am I the only one who thought this year in gaming was rather lame? Of course, with the obvious exceptions (BioShock, etc.).
      I'm a blackstar.


      • #18
        The Xbox 360 is definitively the big software winner this year.

        Personally, I think Crackdown was without doubt the best game this year. The size of it was incredible, the design was simple, the difficulty settings were very nicely done, the co-op mode is a blast and the amount of playtime you'll spend in it is infinite. The download content package for it was like a very welcome expansion and the "proper" use of the achievement system also gave the game some additional extra juice.

        And to anyone without Crackdown, I think that game is currently up for grabs for $19.99 at It's also worth noting that it's region free.

        And Mark, as for Metroid Prime 3 - Corruption, the game is bloody fantastic. It's a bit more story driven than the two first titles in the Prime series, the controls are incredibly great and you still have the choice of basically doing the "scan/research everything" approach or go the full frontal assault "blast'em all to hell" style and not really feel like you missed out on the main story.
        I really hope they can do Wiimakes of Metroid Prime 1-2, but I guess those games would need some major balance tweaking here and there when using the Corruption controls. (The fact that a certain webmaster still hasn't picked up that game and Super Mario Galaxy to go with his capturing equipment is somewhat of a crime against capturing technology)


        • #19
          Im going to be different, and say Unreal Tournament 3 for the PS3. Its one of the most solid and fun FPSs Ive played in years. In addition, it has the best innovation in console history: True user created content. And once the editor is actually released, its just going to get better. 4 maps plus one mutilator, all of which Microsoft would love to charge for, released by free, and are as good or better then maps Ive payed for in the past. Microsoft hailed UCC on the first Xbox, and made it one of their main ideas for the 360, promising a marketplace for UCC, but no other game has delivered. UT3 did, and it gets my GotY nod.


          • #20
            Mine is Burnout revenge and Gears of war.
            I think Burnout Revenge was released last year... But either way, I agree as that's possibly my favorite racer of all time. But you reminded me of another Burnout which I've added to my edited list. Yet another psp to ps2 port, Burnout Dominator. It's not as good as Revenge but it's still very good and lots of fun. It looks great but not quite as good as Revenge (I can't believe how breathtaking Revenge looks running on the ps2. It looks 'next gen' quality).
            I also added Uncharted and RE-UC. I havn't finished either yet but I'm really enjoying both.


            • #21
              Super Mario Galaxy Blew me away.

              Bioshock Is amazing but I'm afraid to play it due to RROD

              MP3 was great.

              I really don't know.


              • #22
                I've been having trouble tracking down Mario Galaxy. It's sold out everywhere here, which is strange in my eyes as Wii's are everywhere.


                • #23
                  Well, being poor, I own a Wii by virtue of it's price. As such, my choices for game of the year '07 are limited to that system. With that in mind, I'll give my take on GotY for the Wii, and leave the other consoles to people who actually own them.

                  I'm thinking Mario Galaxy was great, but that's gonna be the game that I'm expected to pick. On top of that, I'm not really sure that when I put aside the gravity angle and what it brings to the game, that it's substantially different enough from the previous 3-D Mario games to warrant GotY. It's still a platformer, albeit a really good one.

                  Instead I think I'll go with Zack and Wiki. With adventure games being relatively sparse on consoles, it's nice to see a new one come out and not only be fun, but carry unique gameplay mechanics that separate it from other adventure games.

                  Zack and Wiki is one of those games I picked up on a whim, and totally fell in love with. It's one of the first games in awhile where I tell myself I'll just play one more level, and look at the clock only to find that a few hours have passed in the blink of an eye. This game reinforces the creativity that drew me to the gaming in the first place, and so I gotta go with it for my personal GotY.


                  • #24
                    Bioshock wins.

                    Just when you think its over...Spoiler:


                    • #25
                      ok my game of the year came very late on in the year. For the wii it was super mario galaxy. For the handheld it was Silent hill origins. For the xbox 360 it was Assassins creed, halo would of gotten it but i had so much hype for the game and it didn't happen for me. For the ps3, i really loved spiderman 3. For the ps2, and prob the game i played most, except from mario which i've played for days, is Final Fantasy 12. I'm a huge, huge fan of Final Fantasy, im at the same level as i am in loving resident evil games. Game to look forward to in 2008 are Final Fantasy 13, MGS 4, G.O.W 2 (it might make it in time), Splinter cell 5, condemned 2, wii fit, mario kart (wii), super smash bros and i could go on, bloody hell 08 is gonna be a grand year for games. I need to stop typeing and go out and earn more money


                      • #26
                        Other than RE4Wii I'd have to go with Mass Effect and Bioshock, both excellent games. Mass Effect clicked for me, but I enjoyed KOTOR and pretty much all of Bioware's games so it's hardly a surprise. I played through it three times, I might go back to it again at some point and try more classes, but not for a good while.

                        Bioshock just oozes atmosphere and has a great story, really immersive. I think the game has suffered from post-hype-syndrome, there are a lot of people who seem to have reacted badly to the game when they might have enjoyed it if it weren't for the hype. Really unfortunate as I think it's a great game, I'll never forget some of the standout moments in that game. Without posting spoilers, examples are for instance at the start when you're in the bathosphere and you come over a hill to see Rapture for the first time, "I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture!"

                        Super Mario Galaxy and Portal are close behind that. Portal is just... well... special


                        • #27
                          Umm My favorite? Well Outside of BioShock no one has named any of my favorites of 2007.
                          That being Kane and Lynch: Deadmen. It had to of been the baddest damn game ever made!! Lynch is my new hero.
                          Hey! I really don't think I killed my wife. I think not at least.
                          That guy was a trip.
                          Sure the game had it's problems with it's camerviews and handling. But I thought the action, story, and graphix were top notch.

                          The 2nd game being Conan.
                          I have always been a huge fan of the Robert E. Howard creation. I have Conan countess novels and comic books.
                          Sure the game seemed a direct knock off of The God of War games. But I didn't look at it like that.

                          I agree with everyone above: That BioShock was one impersive game. I mean, I'm not a fan of "First-Person -Shooters", but BioShock made me rethink all that. I could go on and on about what I liked about it (most has already been noted above), but my only problem was simple. The levels were a little too big. Some times that was a good thing. Sometimes it wasn't. Anyone having a frustrating time trying to go by the vauge map and figure out where to go next: Knows just what I mean. Outside of that little problem the game was awsome. Would you kindly go get stepped on by a Big Daddy.

                          Last would have to be Manhunt 2.
                          A bad ass and gory game. my only problem was the dated graphix. I mean what was the harm of putting it on PS3 or XBOX360. That would of been bad ass! I still hate it that they took the "A.O." rating off.


                          • #28
                            I'd say Mario Galaxy or Mass Effect.

                            Bioshock jumped the shark following Spoiler:


                            • #29
                              John Doe, interesting choices... I've only played the Kane & lynch demo but I didn't like it. I thought 'the Club' looks a lot more promising.
                              As for Conan, I was REALLY looking forward to the game as I'm also a huge Conan fan. I saw the film as a young kid and became obsessed with it, watching it every Sunday morning for more than a year I collected the comics and I've got over 200 from the 275 issues (although the earliest I have is No.10) before Marvel started dicking around with the title and ruined it. Got about 30 novels and still pick up new ones when ever I find one that I don't have...
                              The new game got mixed reviews but I figured I'd buy it anyway but then I played the demo. I was horrified! It rips off GoW in so many ways it's almost criminal. But it dosn't look as good as GoW. This shouldn't be an insult because GoW1&2 look fantastic but what's insulting is that GoW is running on the ps2 while Conan is running on ps3/360! The gameplay seems okay. Finally, this might seem silly but hearing Conan with an American accent made me want to throw up (yes, I realize R.E.Howard was an American but Conan sounds so wrong). He sounds like a piss weak, dumb ass, Duke Nukem copy... I'll still get it eventually. It should be cheap on ebay.
                              Did you ever play the ps2 game also called 'Conan'? It wasn't a technically great game either but it's not bad. It's seems more of a traditional Conan adventure than the new game.


                              • #30
                                i really get confussed sometimes when ppl use gow, i always think its gears of war, but then reliase it means god of war lol btw i was looking forward to seeing more ppl go for final fantasy 12 but oh well

