Originally posted by Umon Daisuke
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Wow, leik, sorray! :p
I tend to piss on anything Itagaki, a deluded arrogant pissant director with a fetish for 16 year old ninja schoolgirls with big boobs and the overhyped Tecmo create.
His fixation on badmouthing Namco games is also disturbing when he can't produce anything marketable without throwing a pair of huge boobs on it in some way shape or form.
NG to me is looks and no lastable playability, just like all Tecmo games in the last 6-7 years Wow, Team Ninja, im suprised a company who's development philosophy of NINJAS ARE TEH COOL!!! LETS ADD BIG BOOBIES!!! is still in business, then again thats a poor reflection on the teenage stooges which buy the products, DOA Volleyball anyone?.
*ahem* Back on topic Ninja Gaiden Looked good, had a semi decent engine for the first level, however when you play it for more then an hour you realise its horrendously flawed.
It had a diabolical camera system for starters which really put me off, one which I might add that itagaki spouted was perfect and would never need the right analogue stick to adjust with until...OMG THE UPDATEZ!!!!
The combat was repetitive, the wasn't much scope to the locations and weapons and the boss fights were dull with exception to Alma and Doku, which were fun on the first playthrough, but after experimenting on various difficulties you really get to see how cheap this game truly is, throwing new moves into the mix and AI patterns doesn't really cut it for me, what was a dull experience only turned frustratingly cheap.
Ninja Gaiden isn't really a game which can be considered fun to play, the game was purely and I repeat the words, frustrating and boring.
I found the game to be a complete chore to play through, single player stages lacked originality, thrived on cliché's and the story was unbelievably predictable.
Im not going to big up DMC franchise although I very much prefer it, as I know how horrendously flawed the game was, but from a purely kick back and play the game without thinking too much perspective, I found DMC3 to be one of the more enjoyable games I have played in years, and I loved the OTT production values behind the cutscenes.
I could only stomach playing through NG it three times on varying difficulties, then traded it in for the unholy piece of tripe which is Halo 2.
*And those of us here who want to argue that Halo is a great game can f*ck right off :p*
NG really takes its place among overhyped Xbox games with no substance like HALO, another franchise I missed the boat on, I find it hilarious that at E3 when Halo 2 was introduced a guy had a near seizure during the introduction of the trailer simply cause the Master Chief picked up 2 handguns, LEIK WOW!!!!
All NG2 seems to have done is touch up the graphics, make stages more open and throw more blood introduce more amputation moves, and will undoubtably introduce a new blonde haired jailbait with horrendously oversized boobs for typical pubescant teenage sex appeal like, OMG IT'LL BE THE BEST GAME EVAR!!!!
Then again this is just my opinion I probably could have addressed Ninja Gaiden in a smarter, analytical fashion, but really it doesn't deserve it :p.
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