I started been one when I was 2 years old (no joke) first console I ever played on was an atari dunno what version >.< to this day i'm still trying to find one xD. unfortunatly I burnt the damn thing out until of course I got a nes and then the whole gaming thing started there for me, that's the reason i'm studying games developing >.< anyway when did you dudes start gaming?
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When did you start been a gamer?
When I was 3, I started playing Tomb Raider 1/2, about 1/2 years later I finished it, first game I finished! xD
When I was 4 I first played a Resident Evil game, Resident Evil 2, and it was scaring me everyday I even touched it! It was my brothers of course. xP
Yeah, lol! I kept on dying and dying with the zombies at Kendo's shop.
I never really got into the Resident Evil series untill I was about 10 though, then when I was 11 I started getting into Silent Hill after the nightmares it gave me when I was 5! xD
But I've always been a fan of Tomb Raider! ^,^
Lol the kendo gunshop zombies ah the memories of trying to learn the aim and shoot button only to see....You died on screen xD. I used to be into tomb raider till angel of darkness totally ruined it for me, was thinking of investing in the anniversary edition for the wii.
I suggest you get it; the new Tomb Raider engine beats Angel of Darkness, if you've played Legend, then it's like that but better.
I plan on getting Underworld when it's out! xP
Other games to pick up are Silent Hill 5, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl when they are out!
Yeah lol! I love making games with RPG Maker, Game Maker, and such, but I never finish projects like the Resident Evil one I have! xD
I have made a Final Fantasy game with RPG Maker called "Final Fantasy VI-2", I got far in it, quite far, but unfortunately, my computer got wiped, good times...Good times... ¬,¬
I started in the late-ish 80's, playing older Atari titles and then eventually moving onto both Nintendo and Sega consoles and also my friends Amiga - where we spent hours playing racing games and text adventures. I also used to play a lot of the modern-adventure titles from like LucasArts and stuff like that around then when they purchased a PC to, kinda, replace the Amiga.
I went off gaming for a couple of years in the early 90's, but my late-cousin had me playing Mortal Kombat and my friends were massive Street Fighter bandits - we used to spend hours at a local fast food place playing it until it eventually got released on consoles. We used to hang out every day and play new games all the time after that (their family was like super rich and they were spoiled, they brought them anything they wanted).
Hanging out playing games all the time, I wanted my own console... so purchased my own one in the end. Nintendo was hard to follow over here after the NES, so instead of a SNES I had my own Mega Drive (Genesis) and a stack of games. In late 1995, I sold that to buy a Saturn, which I then sold sometime in 1996 to purchase a PlayStation when it was clear the Saturn wasn't doing as well here as previous Sega consoles. Aside of the norm (MK3, Tekken, Twisted Metal, ESPN Extreme Games, Toshiden, Jumping Flash, etc.) one of the first PS1 titles I played was Resident Evil...Last edited by Rombie; 01-20-2008, 03:54 AM.