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SEGA are regrowing their roots?

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  • SEGA are regrowing their roots?

    Recently, there has been a trailer and pictures leaked of a game called "Sonic Unleashed".

    Basically, SEGA Europe, America and Japan have teamed together, to create a Sonic game and pick up where the other recent ones failed.
    The game is close to Sonic 3 & Knuckles; Sonic, Tails and Knuckles are the only ones playable, while there are 6 zones.

    The game is 3D, but uses 2D based gamplay, switching to the fast pace seen in Sonic '06, the story is unkown, and so is most of it, but by the videos, I can't believe how awesome it looks.

    If you are a true avid original Sonic fan, then please, check out these: You WONT be dissapointed.

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    The game will be multi-platform, possibly Xbox 360, Wii and PS3.

    Though, I find this amazing, and I will be buying it ASAP!!!

    Your thoughts, Sonic fans?

  • #2
    Sonic jumped the shark when all his adopted friends started jumping on board.
    Hopefully this game is at least half decent, then I may be interested.. It's going to take alot from Sonic to regain my trust.


    • #3
      Sonic jumped the shark with Sonic Adventure as far as I'm concerned. This looks to be similar to the more recent Wii game, but hopefully it'll be better.

      Now if they can at least put music in there that doesn't quite want to jam a nail in your ears, and go back to the Genesis era music style.


      • #4
        I enjoyed Sonic Adventure.... and that was it. Maybe because it was Sonic's Adventure. Post that (excluding the first level of SA2, on GC no less) I don't think I've any other played many Sonic and also Sega games since.


        • #5
          tbh this game looks like the wii one, and if thats true then it basically runs it self. No skill is needed in todays sonic games, unlike the mega drive etc. But if ppl still like Sonic then im glad, because he still has a place in my heart with the gr8 cartoons he did
          But at the end of the day im a mario guy thourgh and thourgh ;)


          • #6
            This just looks like a next gen version of Sonic Rush minus the touch screen to me.
            Which is good, Sonic Rush on the DS was pretty good.

            I actually liked Sonic Adventure on the DC, first DC game I got back in the day.
            Its just irritating that Sega kept forcefeeding other mediocre characters down the players throats ever since, variation in Sonic Adventure with multiple characters were interesting as a gimick, but really they should just keep the selection down to Sonic but once again Unleashed introduces a new character into it *dies*.


            • #7
              sega are bringing yakuza 2 to PAL

              respect + 100.


              • #8
                I do agree with the inclusion of characters; excuse me for saying this but why the fuck do they need 40+ fucking characters!?
                Honestly, then they scrap them. =.=
                Ray, Nack, Bean, Big, Bark, Mighty, etc etc.
                I personally hate Cream, she came in for no reason, she needs killed off...or atleast forgotton.


                • #9
                  As The Dude said before me, looks like a beefed up Rush and it's very impressive graphically, but PLEASE do not screw this up Sega! No slippery controls, no crappy camera, no sluggish gameplay and for Gods' sake, no more new characters. I mean what the hell is this werewolf crap?! What's wrong with the good old fashioned Eggman vs. Sonic story? It works for Mario, doesn't it? It's not as if most people buy these games for their deep, intricate storyline.
                  GAMEPLAY Sega, Gameplay!
                  Eh, sorry about the rant but I needed to get this off my chest. To be positive, the concept looks very promising, it's like a sped up Klonoa 2 (I wish they'd make a sequel to that). I really hope they get it right this time.


                  • #10
                    I liked Sonic adventure and sonic adventure 2 when I was younger.
                    Then Heroes came and I realized the series was dead.

                    the biggest problem with the 3D series is bad level design. You'll die hundreds of times because the developers are retarded.

                    The game designers should focus less on speed. They should make a great platformer first and then think about going faster.


                    • #11
                      My favourite is Sonic Adventure 2, that was a great game, loved it; after that, the series got retarded. Sonic Heroes was the most repetative game in my life, seriously, the SAME levels for EVERYONE, and you have to do them to beat it.
                      On the other hand, I like the Advance series/Rush series, but Cream needs to die. ^^


                      • #12
                        Wasn't a fan of Heroes, however I liked Sonic Adventure, i'd have preferred Sonic Adventure 2 if you could have skipped Knuckles and Rouge's missions from the start, really hated those so long and tiresome.

                        Shadow the Hedgehog was by far the worst of the series though, dodgey controls, terrible levels and WOW, a Black hedgehog with a gun!!!!!...coincidence?! :p

                        The Advance and Rush series' I liked with exception to the soundtracks, thought they were pretty horrendous.


                        • #13
                          Most of Rush's songs were basic chanting and throwing random words in this oblivous techno like music.

                          I didn't like Shadow The Hedgehog, the game was...boring, apart from Tails! Loved controlling him!!

                          Knuckles & Rouge's treasure hunting levels were quite annoying, I prefered using AR to use them in Sonic's levels, it's quite fun actually.
                          I loved the Rouge vs. Knuckles fight, don't know why exactly. XD
                          But yes, if you use AR to use any other character in Sonic/Shadow's levels, it's quite fun, my favourite character to use is mechless Tails, with AR, you can play as him and he's fully playable like a normal character, maybe they planned on using him but changed him to a mech at the last minute?


                          • #14
                            Well the mechless model for tails is in the chao gardens thingy.


                            • #15
                              Yes, but they probably put him in their and disabled his tail swipe.
                              He's still perfectly playable and even has speed matching upto Amy/Sonic.

