Has anyone played the demo of this game yet? The version described on most game sites, 1up had a feature on it I believe.
My flat mate at uni downloaded it off Xbox Live a few months back, which we both played and thought was awesome especially shoving objects down as cover, however a few days later when I went to download it to my 360, the demo was no longer there.
I checked their forums the other week and anyone asking about a demo is given an answer along the lines of "There hasn't been one yet and no plans to release one yet exist". I find this odd though as I have played it as has my friend
My flat mate at uni downloaded it off Xbox Live a few months back, which we both played and thought was awesome especially shoving objects down as cover, however a few days later when I went to download it to my 360, the demo was no longer there.
I checked their forums the other week and anyone asking about a demo is given an answer along the lines of "There hasn't been one yet and no plans to release one yet exist". I find this odd though as I have played it as has my friend