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Project Origin, FEAR 2, etc.

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  • Project Origin, FEAR 2, etc.

    Has anyone played the demo of this game yet? The version described on most game sites, 1up had a feature on it I believe.

    My flat mate at uni downloaded it off Xbox Live a few months back, which we both played and thought was awesome especially shoving objects down as cover, however a few days later when I went to download it to my 360, the demo was no longer there.

    I checked their forums the other week and anyone asking about a demo is given an answer along the lines of "There hasn't been one yet and no plans to release one yet exist". I find this odd though as I have played it as has my friend

  • #2
    A F.E.A.R. 2 demo? I haven't seen one, it seems strange that the demo was deleted, unless there was something they didn't want people to know/BETA test?


    • #3
      I'm really not sure, I looked through the list three times but couldn't see it listed there, and that was only a few days/a week after playing it on my flat mates :/


      • #4
        I see, well unfortunately I can't check the store right now, I'm guessing it was probably deleted, probably there was a way to play the game up to how much they had developed, but thats just a guess.


        • #5
          As I said before, I've never heard about such a demo.

          But I know there was a demo like this for TimeShift at some point too, that came and vanished.

          If your friend still has it, it's fairly easy to extract something from the 360 HDD with the right tools ;D

          I'm honestly really looking forward to this game. I'm oddly enough in love with the 360 version of the first game. Only having played it on Extreme. The game is more of a situational puzzle than your everyday shooter when you play it on Extreme. Everything has to be "just right" for things to work, and everything becomes a nice little sequenced dance!
          Last edited by Carnivol; 03-24-2008, 05:04 PM.


          • #6
            only played half of the first one, but would like to try this and complete the first one. But yeah this demo could have deleted stuff that is going to be on the final game. Your friend should keep it, as it could end up being a rare find.


            • #7
              I'll ask if he still has it on his 360 when I get back to uni in the next few days. Possibly long gone due to his cycle of demo's due to the smaller hard drive (as he has the original 360 premium).
              It was the whole demo, the one that ends with the VERY quick moving enemy that leaps at the player at the end and he smacks it in the face till it's sucked into a portal by the Girl who's name I forget.

              It ended with the screens of coming soon, etc, and there are a few sites with the exact walkthrough of the demo I played/my friend did. We especially loved how the character more or less dynamically pushes hospital beds out the way and such, kicking them sometimes or pushing them with his hands, etc.


              • #8
                The F.E.A.R. demo most recently put on the Marketplace was for F.E.A.R. Files, which is just the two PC expansion packs.

                Still full of awesome though.


                • #9
                  It's kinda funny to note that TimeGate only did the 360 port of Perseus Mandate in F.E.A.R. Files, while Day 1 is credited for Extraction Point. Makes me wonder if it was just for resource management that this happened (Since Perseus Mandate was done both for console and PC at the same time) or if Day 1 did Extraction Point at "some point in the past" as a planned pack-in with the initial release on the 360 or maybe separate release or evt. as a DLC expansion.
                  Last edited by Carnivol; 03-29-2008, 05:42 PM.


                  • #10
                    So are F.E.A.R. 2 and Project Origin going to be taking to seperate paths from the first game? They're both sequels but are doing different things with the characters? And do either pick up from after the expansion packs or after the first game? I'm so confused.


                    • #11
                      F.E.A.R. 2 = Project Origin

                      As of now, nothing under the title of F.E.A.R. 2 exists.
                      The name change to Project Origin is because studio owns the rights to the story and characters, while the name F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Assault Recon) is owned by the publisher of the original.

                      And so far, Project Origin picks up "around" the end of F.E.A.R., while the Expansion Packs are "straying off on their own path".


                      • #12
                        I read somewhere the expansions aren't being considered Canon, which is good =P

                        I'm playing through the Expansions on 360, as Carn would be able to tell you by looking at my achievement list (which he does often >_> j/k)

                        But yeah, I am kind of enjoying them but they're not as scary as, say, Condemned, another Western horror I hold in high regard.

                        Mind you, I am interested in the story, such as Alma's origin, her relation to the main characters etc.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Nemesis556 View Post
                          But yeah, I am kind of enjoying them but they're not as scary as, say, Condemned, another Western horror I hold in high regard.

                          Condemned 1-2 is made by Monolith, same studio/company that made the original F.E.A.R. + is doing Project Origin (They also share the same engine)

                          Expansions for F.E.A.R. were done by TimeGate.
                          Last edited by Carnivol; 03-31-2008, 12:54 PM.

