Well this just happened today. Earlier Iwas playing Rainbow Six Vegas 2 then saved and turned the system off. 3 hours later I came back it it won't even read one disk. Now I was like "WTF" and tried a disk cleaner, but it didn't work. W my bro came home he checked out the system and said the lens/dvd drive died. What a bummer, though he only did spend $100 on the system to begin with. It a weird hum noise when it starts to read a disc and the stops ang vies you the "Unrecognizable Disc" error from the Xbox dashboard. He would send it in for repair but he said that he would just buy a new one since they aren't that much.
Should I tell him to get a PS3 instead? I don't know....
Should I tell him to get a PS3 instead? I don't know....