I remember many message boards ripping into that analysis and poking so many holes in it when it was first posted. It was hilarious. Some of the points I agree with, but I just love how his reasoning for why Kojima did most of it was "just...because!".
No announcement yet.
MGS4 Boxset
I think the plot of MGS4 clearly shows how much "winging it" Kojima does, so the "just cause" concept - however redicuous and stabbing at answers the guy was doing - probably, ironically, has a lot of truth to it.
Additionally Payton gave the guy a lot of kudos and backpatting over it... so much so he actually brought the guy on board to proof the English texts and had him on the KojiPro report podcast one week to talk about the work... I think in general KojiPro have given his interp a fairly decent thumbs up on being close to intended reasons. Either that or it's just Payton. LOL
I'll come back to the MGS4 stuff again tomorrow...
Well your condition is not that bad. I have the money but I cant play the game because it is still not in my countryand no one knows when it will appear.
"Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley
MGS 5 (and 6, 7, 8, ...) is coming!
Q: You've indicated that this will be your last "Metal Gear Solid" game. Are you looking forward to other projects or will you continue to be involved in the series?
A: "MGS will always be around. I feel a responsibility to continue this series as long as users demand it. But it doesn't mean I'm going to sit in completely. I'll probably take a different role in the next game. Maybe I'll sit in as producer and let the young staff take control of the new series. I really want to go on to new things."Metal Gear Solid 4 isn't even out and whaddaya know, the game's creator Hideo Kojima is already thinking about Metal Gear Solid 5. While MGS4 was supposed to be Kojima's last entry the series, he seems to have had a change of heart recently. Isn't he ready to move on to other things? Dunno. What we do know is what he…
I gotta start thinking about MGS5... Even though, well, Snake's story ends in MGS4.
...About MGS5, that would be something that Kojima Productions would have to make, I think.
Didn't he say before, that MGS 1, then 2, then 3 and then 4 would be the last MGS?Last edited by doomed; 06-20-2008, 06:12 AM.
That's the thing with HideoBut I dont seriously think there will be MGS5 and it does not mean that I dont whant it. It is just... admit it : Metal Gear Solid without Hideo Kojima is nothing. It must not exist in such a misurable way at all IMO.
Last edited by Nomad9026; 06-20-2008, 06:28 AM."Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley
Originally posted by doomed View Post
Originally posted by Gradon View PostMGO...
Some people are really annoying, I captured 14 bases in 7 games (171 points) on my own with a teammate against 4 people in Base. (2vs4)
And I was so proud of myself.
I have the bundle edition...I enjoy it, but wish I had paid attention and bought the 60gb hd instead of the 40. Oh well...my ps2 is still hooked up.sigpic
Are you tired, Rebecca?
Ouch. I also remember a team deathmatch, and me and another dude was gunning a red down. I got the point for headshotting him, and my teammate, CQC'd me, and got BOTH of us KILLED. He called me a "fragstealer". :S
I'm supposing you're on the American severs? I havn't seen anyone do that in my 100 games.
I hope they stop though, that's sorta retarded.
Remakes of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 would be good.
However i'd like a totally new MGS game which doesn't touch on any of the current continuity.
I hate the possibility of another Big Boss oriented game.
They should have left it with Snake Eater *Wasn't a fan of Portable Ops besides the graphic novel cutscenes*
MGS itself had the same flow and even elements from MG2. Without ranting, I don't like the idea of remakes, period. Even the idea of remaking RE1 after merely 6 years sounded stupid, and later we found out that the main reason why they went that route was to further test/develop the RE4 graphics engine. They just wanted to push the R&D budget further basically.
There are a lot of prequel possibilities for Snake, and going by Kojima's wild imagination, even Liquid. Actually more potential to explore Liquid's past than Snake's or any other main character.
Metal Gear has never been about money, really.
If it was, they would milk the story so much, we'd get like 20 games.
Just look at how much 4 explains.
Remakes of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, the people who don't own a NES, MSX2 or have Snake Eater and don't want Subsistence, want to play the Metal Gear games, or what if a casual gamer doesn't wanna play them for technical reasons?
Personally, I think if Kojima direct(?) any more MGS', why not remake the MG's, as I'm stuck for finding the bomb suit.
No seriously, it would do well with the updated system and it's been over 20 years, not 6.
Not for money, many people don't own a NES or MSX2, and the people who want the story explained for them.
Oh yeah, and Subsistence is now defunct, and the new anniversary thing in USA only holds the first disk of Subsistence.