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Left 4 Dead

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Project Omega View Post
    THIS is what Outbreak should have been like.

    I've been following this game since it was announced, and I'm glad it's finally got a solid release date. Though knowing Valve, the release date is about three months off.

    Anyway, for those who have been asking, the game doesn't have a single player story-based campaign, per se, but it does have a single player mode. It'll be basically the same as the multiplayer, except your three teammates will be controlled by AI. There really isn't a story to speak of, as it's basically, "Zombies have overrun the city. Are you bad enough dude to survive?" That's enough motivation for me.


    • #17
      I think it's more of a PC FPS than a console FPS, so PC it is for me.


      • #18
        I have had my eye on this game for a while as well. I figure this may become a popular title here on the THIA forums. So I'm all up for a go around with any THIA fans willing to play though the game with me.

        I'm a huge PC enthusiast so you can bet top dollar on the fact that I will be getting this for PC. I'll probably end up getting it through Steam since I will be able to play it as soon as it gets unlocked.
        Last edited by alf717; 07-05-2008, 12:53 AM.


        • #19
          Was there a Beta/SDK released for this as I've seen some youtube videos beta testing new characters and character models


          • #20
            IGN’s home for the latest game trailers, including new gameplay, cinematics, announcements, and reveals.Subscribe to stay up to date and get notified when ne...

            Take a look!!


            • #21
              Originally posted by doomed View Post
              It's settled: I'm buying this game on release.


              • #22
                I like it. Though the more challenging gas station level didn't seem challenging at all. They blew the hell out of everything!


                • #23
                  This interests me a lot and I am glad it's coming out for 360 - my computer is terrible for gaming (everything is awesome bar the graphics card)


                  • #24

                    IGN’s home for the latest game trailers, including new gameplay, cinematics, announcements, and reveals. Subscribe to stay up to date and get notified when new trailers arrive, that includes during events like Nintendo Directs, Sony State of Plays, E3, The Game Awards, Gamescom, and more. Check out our playlists for trailers coming to your preferred gaming platforms like PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. For more content, visit or check out our other channels: IGN - IGN Games - IGN Guides - IGN VR - IGN Movie Trailers - This is only a small taste of the videos and content available from IGN. Get more, visit

                    IGN’s home for the latest game trailers, including new gameplay, cinematics, announcements, and reveals. Subscribe to stay up to date and get notified when new trailers arrive, that includes during events like Nintendo Directs, Sony State of Plays, E3, The Game Awards, Gamescom, and more. Check out our playlists for trailers coming to your preferred gaming platforms like PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. For more content, visit or check out our other channels: IGN - IGN Games - IGN Guides - IGN VR - IGN Movie Trailers - This is only a small taste of the videos and content available from IGN. Get more, visit


                    • #25
                      Im so glad that there will be splitscreen for the console versions.


                      • #26
                        Kinda disappointed in the pacing. I thought we'd be able to take it slow and methodical, clearing out rooms. This looks like more of an arcade game with the fast movement speed.

                        I hope they fix the tongue collision issues too. It goes right through the roof and noone can help the guy unless they fall down onto the truck.
                        Last edited by Dot50Cal; 07-23-2008, 12:52 AM.


                        • #27
                          These aren'y your ordinary Resident Evil zombies; no, these zombies have taken a shot of POWERTHIRST! It's full of electrolytes, turbolytes, powerlytes--MORE LYTES THAN YOUR BODY HAS ROOM FOR!! It'll make you run as fast as Kenyan's you know


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Project Omega View Post
                            These aren'y your ordinary Resident Evil zombies; no, these zombies have taken a shot of POWERTHIRST! It's full of electrolytes, turbolytes, powerlytes--MORE LYTES THAN YOUR BODY HAS ROOM FOR!! It'll make you run as fast as Kenyan's you know

                            They're full of MENERGY!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Project Omega View Post
                              These aren'y your ordinary Resident Evil zombies; no, these zombies have taken a shot of POWERTHIRST! It's full of electrolytes, turbolytes, powerlytes--MORE LYTES THAN YOUR BODY HAS ROOM FOR!! It'll make you run as fast as Kenyan's you know
                              lmao 400 BABIES!!!

                              Anyways, I personally would buy the PC version of this, but since my computer is a piece of crap, looks like I'm gonna have to wait til I get a new comp. Game looks pretty awesome though!


                              • #30
                                Im getting it for the PC.

                                My cousin is probably going to get it for the 360.

