I finished watching the three "Making Of..." videos from the PS3 store earlier tonight, so great seeing the transition from old to new! The multiplayer looks amazing too...so just why won't Capcom let us do it online?! Lost Planet is massively successful online, Resident Evil 5 will inevitable go in that direction, and 1942 recently featured it, so why not BC:R, the apparent jewel in the Capcom remake crown for this year?
Capcom take so much shit for being "lazy", and in some of their projects maybe it's warranted, but the ammount of effort that goes into remakes like this, 1942 and Commando 3, and the inevitable glory that'll be RE5, Dark Void and Bionic Commando is surely proof that any claims of laziness are nine times out of ten massively unwarranted?
I'm hoping Capcom will eventually patch this to include online multiplayer big time though.
Capcom take so much shit for being "lazy", and in some of their projects maybe it's warranted, but the ammount of effort that goes into remakes like this, 1942 and Commando 3, and the inevitable glory that'll be RE5, Dark Void and Bionic Commando is surely proof that any claims of laziness are nine times out of ten massively unwarranted?
I'm hoping Capcom will eventually patch this to include online multiplayer big time though.