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NEW Tomb Raider Underworld *spoiler* info!

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  • NEW Tomb Raider Underworld *spoiler* info!

    Click here and press "TOMB RAIDER UNDERWORLD".

    Very interesting BBFC post. Here's what I've been able to piece together from the discussion at Tomb Raider Forums:

    The level order goes like this: Mediterranean > Thailand > Manor > Mexico > Valhalla > Ship > Helheim

    Lara finds her mother, as evidenced by the cutscene near the list's end titled "MOTHER".

    There are Yetis, Serpents, and Natla makes a return.

    There seems to be two endings, as evidenced by the two ENDGAME files in the list.

    Very intruiging.

  • #2
    Cool, I'm always keen to return to Thailand... (even if it's just in a video game)

    I loved the early Tomb Raider games and I've got them all up to Legend. The 1st level in Legend was good but then the game turned into a shoot em' up and I thought it kinda sucked. I stopped playing it...


    • #3
      I loved the improved graphics in Legend, and the way they got it to work almost flawlessly on a little PSP beast.


      • #4
        I got the 'very cheap' ps2 version from Thailand...


        • #5
          I wouldnt' say it has 2 endings.
          Probably just 2 different pre-rendered movies of the ending one after the other they had to send in as part of the BBFC certificate.

          I really think the BBFC certification process is pretty archaic anyway.


          • #6
            I am really looking forward to this game after reading about this game. I haven play Tomb Raider since the ps1 days and think its time to start again.


            • #7
              You may just have time to get through both Legend and Anniversary if you start now. Get to it!

              I'm still stuck in Anniversary, and it's getting boring. The environments are so bland.


              • #8
                I actually had more fun with Anniversary then Legend to be honest.
                I liked the isolationist feel to it, and the Wii version was pretty good.


                • #9
                  Well, you can beat Legend in your first playthrough in about 7 hours...

                  And I also prefer Anniverary over Legend. Anniversary is what Tomb Raider should be, while Legend was mostly just a generic shooter with platform elements... oh, and I hate those awful motorbike levels :/.


                  • #10
                    The moto levels were actually half-decent to me. And I loved Legend's soundtrack.


                    • #11
                      I don't tend to notice Tomb raider soundtracks much while playing to be honest.
                      I preferred the use of Silence and occasional/sudden tracks of music in Anniversary like what was used in the original.
                      Although I liked the Mansion theme in Anniversary.


                      • #12
                        All of the main menu themes were addictive I have most of them on my iPod.

