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Thoughts on Heavy Rain

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  • 'Heavy Rain' Movie Adapted by 'Deadwood' Creator

    If Sam Douglas doesn't play Scott Shelby in this...there is no justice or common sense left in the world.

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    • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
      'Heavy Rain' Movie Adapted by 'Deadwood' Creator

      If Sam Douglas doesn't play Scott Shelby in this...there is no justice or common sense left in the world.
      I agree. Sam Douglas should reprise his role as Scott Shelby for the movie. I can't even imagine anybody else doing it.


      • Pascal Langdale is close enough to Ethan to pull it off as well. Or at least he looked so in Steel Trap.


        • Wow, that is uncanny. You're right, there is no one that should be cass as Scott Shelby than the man himself.


          • I am ashamed at this thread's lack of support for Leon Ockenden.
            See you in hell.


            • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
              I am ashamed at this thread's lack of support for Leon Ockenden.
              Although I don't think that the actors from the game will be considered to play their live action counter parts in the film version.


              • the game should have been spread out more with choices, because you can acquire more than half the endings just by continuing "The Rat" chapter.
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                • The idea is ok but in the end honestly its kinda boring couse your doing so little playing ... what you´re really doing is watching a movie, and that do sometimes get kinda boring when what you really want to is play a game.
                  Last edited by rehunk88; 01-29-2011, 11:46 AM.


                  • Again, I would not classify it as a game. The mistake people make is going in expecting a game, when it's clearly more of an interactive movie. That's what it was marketed as, yet people still don't get the message.

                    Originally posted by rehunk88 View Post
                    The idea is ok but in the end honestly its kinda boring couse your doing so little playing ... what you´re really doing is watching a movie, and that do sometimes get kinda boring when what you really want to is play a game.
                    So you can be some bald space marine badass with awesome muscles, shooting aliens and shit, right? So fuckin' pro.
                    Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 01-29-2011, 06:32 PM.
                    See you in hell.


                    • I adore Heavy Rain. One thing I will say, though, if replaying it straight away is a bad plan. It's on my re-play list after I beat Dragon Age, Deadly Premonition and Dead Space, and since by then it'll have been a good year since I played it once I think it'll be a lot more fun that if I'd gone straight into my next play through.

