Originally posted by WeskerIncarnate
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- noun
1. claim to respect and praise; excellence; worth
2. merits, the inherent rights and wrongs of a matter, technicalities, personal feelings, etc.
3. Often, merits. the state or fact of deserving
4. something that is deserved, whether good or bad.
5. to be worthy of; deserve.
In all honesty, I'm disappointed thus far. I don't think I'd pay 60 dollars for this at the moment.
Considering you do not own a PS3 (and choose to just deride the system), there is ZERO chance you've downloaded and tried the HR demo.
So your current opinion ("disappointment") of Heavy Rain is moot.
That being said, maybe the game will be a ho-hum affair. But until you've played it or at least seen the consensus reviews from media outlets, you'd best learn to properly verbalize your sentiment.