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PS3 Exclusive Games

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  • PS3 Exclusive Games

    Alright, here's my issue. My wife gave me a challenge...before I could get a PS3 I needed five games that I seriously wanted to warrant the expense of getting it. Fair enough, I said. So, I've managed to gather four so far.

    Heavy Rain
    Metal Gear Solid 4

    I need one more game before I can justify the expense and grab one. So...someone wanna tell me some good PS3 exclusive titles? And Heavenly Sword and Resitance are already out.

    Any other suggestions?

  • #2
    Time Crisis 4?

    That and Resistance are the only 2 PS3 exclusives I own.


    • #3
      Heavenly Sword?

      anyway i've got kinda the same problem as you just the other way around.... I refuse to buy a PS3 untill more and better games are out with only MGS4 right now as the most interesting game on it the PS3 is not really attractive for me right now...


      • #4
        Since you're not ruling out future releases, God of War III and Tekken 6, or the recently budget line title Ninja Gaiden Sigma in addition to GT5. Uncharted will see a sequel, and Little Big Planet isn't far off. Other network titles like Wipeout HD, the new Ratchet and Clank Echochrome etc. are worth a look too ($15-$20).
        Last edited by Umon Daisuke; 09-29-2008, 08:34 AM.


        • #5
          WipEout HD gets my support.
          See you in hell.


          • #6
            super puzzle fighter 2 turbo HD, another one is the game siren

            it looks really good


            • #7
              another one is the game siren
              He already HAS Siren in his list?

              Wipeout HD immediately springs to mind.

              Though may i ask, how much attention does the missus pay to games? I just blag my way through "buy me this game" conversations haha


              • #8
                She usually watches me play ones with interesting story, and is especially fond of horror games. Her favorite is the origional Siren. Saying that, she's been bugging me to replay Fatal Frame in preperation for the getting the new one. Same with Silent Hill.

                ...oh the hardships I face.


                • #9
                  Ratchet & Clank


                  • #10
                    Saying that, she's been bugging me to replay Fatal Frame in preperation for the getting the new one.
                    Cool, your wife has good taste... and she married YOU (I'm kidding)
                    A few months ago I played through all 3 Fatal Frame games in 5 days. I've been kinda obsessed with the series ever since. Now I'm trying to unlock everything, which is quite a task. The 2nd game is my favorite. I've got the cute little maids dress, now I've just got to beat it on Nightmare to unlock the bondage outfit (I'm sure your wife would be impressed).

                    There's some good looking PS3 exclusives on the way. A lot of sequels: Resistance 2, Killzone 2, Motorstorm 2 and GT5. If you're really patient, there's a new game from Team Ico.

                    I'm considering importing 'Ryu Ga Gotoku Kenzan', a spin off from the Yakuza creators, set in old Japan. I'm not sure if it will be released in the west and it's apparently one of the PS3's best games. Here's a fan review:

                    There's also that 'Imbakisou'. I think we've discussed it once before but having to play it in Japanese would be impossible (unless you speak Japanese). I've seen it on ebay for $25.


                    • #11
                      Considering that Ryu Ga Gotoku 2 JUST saw a PS2 release in the west, nearly two years after its Japanese release, the chances of Kenzan seeing a western release is nonexistent. I loved the demos, but the only way I'll be able to finish the final game is by following a walkthrough.. and that's no fun.

                      RGG3 on the other hand is another matter. It's out around in the spring.

                      The series is a must for Shenmue fans.


                      • #12
                        One word:


                        ...and like, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, SOCOM: Confrontation, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and--

                        9 new PS3-exclusives are being announced at pay attention to that.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                          One word:

                          It features narration by Stephen Fry, which to me automatically warrants a purchase.
                          See you in hell.


                          • #14
                            Stephen Fry? Auto-win!


                            • #15
                              "Feel free to tweak any of the options. Everything in the world of LittleBigPlanet enjoys a good tweak now and then, even I do!"
                              See you in hell.

