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Dead Space

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  • #31
    Was waiting for the missus to go to bed so i could turn the lights out and get going. Totally had my guard down and had the shit scared out of me a good two or three times, truly horrible moments! The game's so unrelenting in how it throws aliens at you. When they attack, they attack, it's pure chaos!

    And let it be known as well that the real time HUD REALLY works! And i'm loving how it's so clearly taken inspiration for so many elements from Resident Evil, yet still manages to make them their own! The upgrades system for example, it's so damn tactical knowing where to use your available upgrades! And the store as well, which utilises the item boxes of Resident Evil's past.

    Takeuchi and Kawata should really take note now of this title and re-assess where they're taking Resident Evil 5. I think a lot of gamers that have played Dead Space might not be so keen to play a game that doesn't quite match upto this! For example, from the start of Dead Space it's making a mockery of this claim that moving and shooting takes away some of the scares! I'm still confident in their ability, i'm just shocked at how great this game is!

    And the DLC Elite suit looks seriously, seriously nice!

    Originally posted by TheBatMan View Post
    The animated film they have made, am i best watching that first before i play the game or will i be spoiled? I know its a prequel but i don't want the game spoiled.
    I think with all good prequels, it's best to avoid it until you've finished the first installment before watching the movie, but i guess it depends what you want spoiled more.

    Watch the prequel first, and a lot of the stuff the information you get during the game might not be so impactful (is that a word?) when you get it during the game. Play the game first, and you'll have a pretty good idea of how the film is going to turn out.

    I'm going through the game first, then i have the film on my hard drive ready to go as soon as i've finished the game!


    • #32
      Just started playing a while ago. I'm in Chapter 2 and I

      Last edited by biohazard_star; 10-27-2008, 12:54 PM.
      Seibu teh geimu?


      • #33
        Well, it's a lost cause for me. I traded it off earlier today, probably gonna pick up the new Spiderman instead.


        • #34
          Dead Space is actually one of the many games I'm looking forward to playing this year, anyone else here besides me thinks of John Carpenter's The Thing when seeing some of the creatures of this game?


          • #35
            Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
            Dead Space is actually one of the many games I'm looking forward to playing this year, anyone else here besides me thinks of John Carpenter's The Thing when seeing some of the creatures of this game?
            I thought about the Thing too from the first moments of the game, they are preaty similar actually.
            "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


            • #36
              See, I completely agree with this.


              • #37
                I just want to know how hard is the game like?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Sephiroth View Post
                  I just want to know how hard is the game like?
                  How hard is the game like?
                  As hard as any other optical media?

                  Anyway, on Easy and Normal difficulty, you probably wont find much of a challenge if you've played games before (and weren't totally handicapped). Having played stuff that usually involves keeping a group on a distance by capping their knees, arms and/or heads (RE4) is of great help and quickly puts you on top of things.

                  If you knock it up to Hard on your first playthrough, you'll quickly realize that at many points in the game, ammo is about as rare and scattered around as good PS3 exclusives are and your best friends becomes that red cylinder-like object you sometimes find on the ground, which by the way explodes when you throw it or shoot it. You'll also realize that sometimes it's better to just GTFO than to gun down everything that moves.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                    How hard is the game like?
                    As hard as any other optical media?

                    Anyway, on Easy and Normal difficulty, you probably wont find much of a challenge if you've played games before (and weren't totally handicapped). Having played stuff that usually involves keeping a group on a distance by capping their knees, arms and/or heads (RE4) is of great help and quickly puts you on top of things.

                    If you knock it up to Hard on your first playthrough, you'll quickly realize that at many points in the game, ammo is about as rare and scattered around as good PS3 exclusives are and your best friends becomes that red cylinder-like object you sometimes find on the ground, which by the way explodes when you throw it or shoot it. You'll also realize that sometimes it's better to just GTFO than to gun down everything that moves.

                    Great thanks alot for the information Carnivol I think I know which mode to go on in my first playthough


                    • #40
                      I'm on chapter 11 and normal feels like.. normal to me.
                      I wouldn't want it to be any easier or harder.. It's just right.
                      Last edited by doomed; 11-05-2008, 01:25 PM.

