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  • #46
    So a single person really can effect a whole game? Intriguing.

    I feel slightly bad assuming the guy was some Muslim nut case now. It seems my own, very bad, experiences with some fundamentalists has tainted my perceptions more than I realize. Have to work on that.


    • #47
      This is MADNESS!
      What makes this even more crazy, is that it's happened before. The name of the game escapes me but wasn't there some fighting game out a while back? The soundtrack had Qur'an verses in the background of one of the characters and the game had to be pulled and modified.
      I can't believe the same mistake was allowed to happen again!
      It will be an expensive lesson to learn.

      Personally, I'm not religious at all and think it's crazy that anyone should be offended but really, you'd think developers would know better by now.


      • #48
        I understand Sony doing this. They don't want to be in a situation where this issue comes up 2 months after it's been released,then they would be up shitcreek.

        But seriously, some people want to be offended in the World. And I'm not referring to the guy who requested it to be removed.


        • #49
          im still gonnna wait to rent it from gamefly, even if i haveto clear my Q for a month ot rent it


          • #50
            What exactly did the lines say? I don't understand why the game was delayed.


            • #51
              I dunno what the exact lines were, but they were quotes from the Qur'an that were mixed with pop music. Some Muslims could consider that blasphemous.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                Some Muslims could consider that blasphemous.
                If that's the

                This song is named after a line from a prayer! DESTROY THAT BAND!


                • #53
                  Well, I suppose they felt pop music to the book that literally guides there life wasn't really appropriate. And whether you believe them right or wrong you do have to respect other folks beliefs.

                  And remember...the Muslim guy involved asked if there was a chance of a patch so it could be removed, not for them to throw the whole lot in the wood chipper. The recall and delay are Sony's doing and Sony's alone.


                  • #54
                    I just got my LBP & Dualshock 3 bundle. I also got a little sackboy keyring / cell phone strap.
                    But now I have to go back to work ><. Mammoth day today - Halloween parties. Fuck I hate Halloween.
                    Later tonight / tomorrow I'll edit this post with my thoughts on the game.


                    • #55
                      ^ Lucky! That bundle is a great deal.

                      I don't think many people will be disappointed with LBP. It's a truly enjoyable experience.
                      Let me know how it is! SOCOM and Resistance 2 has relegated LBP to my Christmas list.


                      • #56
                        I had to get mine from a different store (the Target here where I preordered probably still doesnt have them in) So sadly...I don't get my Nariko.
                        Are you tired, Rebecca?


                        • #57
                          I'm sorry to say, but it seems they're trying to kill their game.
                          MM are deleting levels that they think are unfit and copyright infringementing other things.
                          Levels like Sonic, Mirrors Edge, Tetris, God Of War, Shadow of a Collosus etc are being deleted.
                          Pathetic, because even some levels that were ORIGINAL are being deleted!
                          Build whatever you want in your imagination <- Bullshit.
                          And yeah, they even delete it off your hardrive.
                          No Resident Evil levels it seems, they're really going to kill the point of the game.


                          • #58
                            What? Really? WTF?! Levels like that were fine in the Beta!

                            If that's true, Gradon, that's really effin' lame.


                            • #59
                              That's typical of Sony, they come up with something that'll really help them and then they shoot themselves in the foot.
                              See you in hell.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                                What? Really? WTF?! Levels like that were fine in the Beta!

                                If that's true, Gradon, that's really effin' lame.
                                It is true...and its rather annoying. The levels may be replicas, but that's about it. Some of the levels were very nicely done. The Mirror's Edge level getting deleted was stupid. All a person would need to do is change the color scheme and it would be fine.

                                And...the RE level I played (during the beta) wasn't that good so...*shrug*
                                Are you tired, Rebecca?

