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Wii Dead Rising dud?

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  • Wii Dead Rising dud?

    Not owning a 360, Dead Rising was one of the few games that I'm genuinely jealous of. I was hoping it would get ported to PS3 but this looks like it will definitely never happen.
    However, I do own a Wii so when this port was announced, I figured at least I'll be able to visit the 'Chopping Mall' and have some fun.
    Those following the game's progress would know that things are not looking good. In fact they are looking pathetic and SHIT.
    The latest build has been demoed and apparently the game is virtually done. The graphics remind me of the PS2 GTA games. I loved those games, so I know that graphics aren't everything. But the biggest disappointment is the low amount of zombies on screen. The main draw of the 360 version was the hundreds of zombies on screen at a time...
    The Wii is twice as powerful as the GC, so I'm wondering what the excuse is for such a scaled down version of the game.

    On a positive note, it uses the RE4 engine and I read that control wont be Wiimote only. So I can use a GC controller? (I don't like the Wiimote) So I still hold hope that it might play like a cartoon version of RE4.

    Anyone who dosn't own a 360 still interested? or will this be a dud?
    Last edited by Skunky; 10-11-2008, 02:25 AM.

  • #2
    Well, I do own the 360 version. And I'm still interested. But they're gonna have to get the numbers up or make the zombies much more dangerous. Let's face it...we knew they couldn't match the kinda numbers on the 360, the Wii just isn't as powerful. So they're gonna have to do something to make the game challenging.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
      Well, I do own the 360 version. And I'm still interested. But they're gonna have to get the numbers up or make the zombies much more dangerous. Let's face it...we knew they couldn't match the kinda numbers on the 360, the Wii just isn't as powerful. So they're gonna have to do something to make the game challenging.
      Is 6 slow, lumbering zombies in a single section of the mall ok for you?

      I expected it to suck. And I got bored of the 360 version sometime in 2005, so no skin off my bones.

      Also the controls are pretty shitty. You use both the Wiimote and the Wiichuck.
      Last edited by News Bot; 10-11-2008, 05:52 AM.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • #4
        To be fair, I've noticed some screens with more than 6 zombies but not a whole lot more...

        Remember State of Emergency on PS2? I quite liked that game... well, I liked the engine, the game was a bit crap. That had shitloads of people all running around on the screen. I don't really get why Dead Rising Wii is finding it such a problem.


        • #5
          Originally posted by CiarenDevlin View Post
          Is 6 slow, lumbering zombies in a single section of the mall ok for you?

          I expected it to suck. And I got bored of the 360 version sometime in 2005, so no skin off my bones.

          Also the controls are pretty shitty. You use both the Wiimote and the Wiichuck.
          No, six is a little on the low side. I did say they needed to either make the numbers higher or the enemies more dangerous. Preferably both since they can't make up the numbers on the 360.

          The controller looks amusing to me but then again I'm easily entertained. and I quite like the Wii.


          • #6
            They've managed more numbers than six with other titles on earlier platforms. You can go as far back as the PSX, with RE2. There's rooms where there's around six or so zombies in the same space, or State of Emergency, or that shitty sub-par Matrix game on the PS2 where you fought the Smith clones. The Wii may be less powerful than the 360, but it's more powerful than the PS2 and the Gamecube.
            See you in hell.


            • #7
              but it's more powerful than the PS2 and the Gamecube.
              dun dun dunnn..


              • #8
                Has there been any footage from the TGS build yet?

                Old shots were from *gasp* an old build. And according to various sources (Kotaku being one of those who posted about it), the TGS build is supposed to feature a visual update and up to 30-some zombies on-screen at a time. So there is still hope for this game to end up "impressive" in action.

                What I might miss is the photography aspect. Think I read somewhere in the initial announcement that it was gone. Would've been such a nice touch to the photochannel and messaging system on the Wii.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by A-J View Post
                  dun dun dunnn..
                  Hot crackers, I take exception to that!
                  See you in hell.


                  • #10
                    im hoping its not a dud since im planning on getting a wii and this game is one of the swayp points to getting a wii. re4 looked amazing on the gc and if this game uses that engine why doesnt it look amazing too since as the wii is faster. is the wii port getting rid of the stupid 3 day time limit or the one save slot gamespot didnt say

                    Fight zombies by the hundreds inside a giant shopping mall in this action adventure game from Capcom.


                    • #11
                      I'm looking forward to Dead Rising. My Wii just collects dust when I'm not playing REUC or Okami. The only other games I own are the RE entries for GC.

                      Dead Rising Wii and Tenchu 4: additions I am looking to make to my collection, as small as it may be.

                      (I'm holding out until March to get a PS3...for obvious reasons.)

                      As for the Wiimote thing; I quite like it since I have difficulty playing games that require too many buttons.
                      Last edited by Jill's Boob; 10-11-2008, 05:37 PM.


                      • #12
                        What I might miss is the photography aspect. Think I read somewhere in the initial announcement that it was gone.
                        Rumor has it, that it was dropped because they didn't want people zooming in to see how crap the graphics are.

                        I hope it turns out okay.
                        I don't get much use out of my Wii either. Most of the time it just sits there... looking at me... mocking me.
                        I hope Tecmo fix Fatal Frame 4, before releasing it world wide (it's been out in Japan for a while but it's apparently filled with bugs), because I'm a huge fan of that series.
                        I'm also a fan of the Tenchu series so I might get that too. There's also House of the Dead 4 and Onechanbara to look forward to on Wii.


                        • #13
                          Yikes. The more I see about this game, the more I shake my head. If it can't retain the original's style, then I'm not even sure they should use the name Dead Rising.


                          • #14
                            As soon as I finished the main story in Dead Rising, I just went off it. I really didn't like it, and I haven't played the game since I finished it.
                            I guess if this version doesn't even offer that...
                            I probably won't bother.


                            • #15
                              It's out tomorrow but I've only seen 1 review so far.
                              IGN gave it a 6.9/10

                              I f**king hate IGN! It's a nightmare of frustration trying to navigate the site, with every page filled with unwanted adds that take f-o-r-e-v-e-r to download.
                              It's a shit review too!
                              The graphics have been downgraded (yes, we know), there arn't as many zombies on screen (yes, we know), the photo feature has been removed (yes, we know!)...
                              It says the game is still fun and apparently there is lots to see and do (it dosn't give any examples).
                              It dosn't give much insight into the controls either. Yes, you use the Wiimote but I remember reading that one of the preview builds, also allowed you to use a GC controller (I've got no idea if that option is still in there).

                              The video review at least allows you to see the game in action.
                              I'm still tempted to pick this up tomorrow or soon but damn, what a useless review...

