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  • Got Red Dead and Lost Planet 2 today. Most likely will give Red a little spin and continue finishing off fallout 3 (just aiming for 100% completion) and then Alan Wake before hitting these two fully.


    • Just started playing Person 3: FES edition. Only played P4 out of the series and that one was fantastic so I have high hopes for this one.


      • Originally posted by BadWolfX View Post
        Just started playing Person 3: FES edition. Only played P4 out of the series and that one was fantastic so I have high hopes for this one.
        It's a little repetitive but it's also a playthrough you'll remember fondly. I'm thankful for this board and TheSpoonyOne for turning me on to the SMT series.


        • Originally posted by Sunglasses View Post
          Mass Effect 2, just started my 2nd playthrough on Insane and having A LOT of fun playing as Sentinel, who cares about the limited firepower when I have that freakin' awesome tech armor and more biotic powers than the soldier class
          Dont need biotic powers if you set your squadmates powers to "passive" ;)

          Soldier class is so much more fun, especially if youre actively using your squadmates and dont let them just run around.


          • @Member_of_STARS
            They (soldier and sentinel) are both good, but I guess it just depends on your own fighting style.


            • At this moment i'm playing through Alan Wake and Sam and Max Season 3 ep 1 and then ep 2 and a bit of soul silver here and there.


              • Thinking about getting Naughty Bear seems similar to Conker's Bad Fur Day although once you done all the kills it probably has no replay value.
                If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                • Just finished Red Dead Redemption and I absolutley loved it. Not only do I want a sequel but I want this to become a full blown series. My name is John Marstan!!


                  • The "Red Dead" franchise is already a series so it's highly likely we'll get sequels.


                    • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                      The "Red Dead" franchise is already a series so it's highly likely we'll get sequels.

                      I never played the first one, I hear it's pretty bad. Fingers crossed though I'd love to see more of this series. I'd also love some Dlc missions like BOGT and Lost and the Damned for Gta.


                      • Im playing Mass effect 2 at the moment but only until i get Red dead redemption


                        • I am currently playing Final Fantasy 13, against my better judgement. I've only played an hour of it so far and I'm finding it a chore, that and I keep comparing the characters I've seen so far to an amalgamation of other FF characters, like Snow being Seifer+Zell and his red haired companion being Rajin+Wakka.

                          Hopefully it'll break how I am feeling and become fun and enjoyable.


                          • Originally posted by Enrico Marini View Post
                            I am currently playing Final Fantasy 13, against my better judgement. I've only played an hour of it so far and I'm finding it a chore, that and I keep comparing the characters I've seen so far to an amalgamation of other FF characters, like Snow being Seifer+Zell and his red haired companion being Rajin+Wakka.

                            Hopefully it'll break how I am feeling and become fun and enjoyable.
                            The first few hours are pretty slow. It picks up once you get paradigms and the such. Your enjoyment level while playing the game will probably depend on how much you like the battle system and how much you like the characters. (Both of which are fantastic, although I'm pretty biased since I consider it one of my favourite FF games).


                            • It picks up once you get paradigms and the such
                              Nope. Picked them up, followed the tutorial, boss smited me. Tried again, boss smited me. Did it my own way, boss got creamed.

                              I don't know what is it but the game registers in my brain as a "Final Fantasy" but yet I still hate it. More so than FF9/FF12 at the moment. I would blame the "random" battles but I have never had too much quarrel with them before. 4 Hours in and still not a happy bunny. I assume the Baby Chocobo in Sazh hair is supposed to be funny but I just don't find its actions funny.

                              Gah, maybe I've just become old.


                              • Playing Modnation Racers and Red Dead Redemption.

                                By playing I mean installing.
                                Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 05-26-2010, 06:30 PM.

