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  • Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
    Alpha Protocol.

    Id like to smash someones head in. How can people fuck up an amazing concept like this?
    Tell me about it. I was actually looking forward to this game until all the lackluster reviews came out.

    And they were right. Currently on Dead Space and MW2 (borrowing it).


    • Final after 2 months I got a bran new PS3 and I went on GTA4 LAD but I was only on for 10 mins before getting pissed off with the game I feel like a newbie again after 2 months of nothing but PSP and PS2 games.


      • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
        ^ Let me guess. Another person hating on how stats affects your aim?
        What aim? Anyone who defends this game and says its anything but very, very mediocre and average, is not being objective.

        I can absolutely see the potential in this game. Unfortunately theres only one aspect they almost, almost 100% aced it, and thats dialogue. Everything else is a half-assed joke. Considering the email from the "anonymous developer", there are good reasons behind why this game came out as an utter mess of stupid and horror, but the fact remains- potential alone is not going to make the game not suck. And its because of that wasted potential, why I am so let down. I can see that with just slight tweaks this game would have become one of the greatest titles of all times.

        Clearly anyone who has played it, knows the issues by now. Its like the game was at half-point being designed by a 60 year old conservative.

        If only the stealth missions played like Splinter Cell, if only the enemy AI wasnt utterly retarded, if only the gunplay was more fun (but a secondary option to stealth, a very, very last resort secondary option).

        And then theres the whole other game besides actual playing (the whole pre-mission and post-mission process) which is just fantastic, shockingly good and immersive...


        • Graduation money gave me PSN copies of Marvel vs Capcom 2, Final Fantasy VIII, Desperate Escape for RE5, and Pokemon SoulSilver. =D I've got entertainment to last.


          • Going on Final Fantasy X soon.


            • Going on Final Fantasy X soon.
              Heard an orchestral "To Zanarkand" which made me want to play it again. Though still trying to rinse FF13 of it achievements.


              • Originally posted by Enrico Marini View Post
                Heard an orchestral "To Zanarkand" which made me want to play it again. Though still trying to rinse FF13 of it achievements.
                Yeah I think that were my temptation of playing pf playing X comes from but the one music I hate that can put me off is the Hym Of The Faith it's just anoying the rest is great and im suckker of been a Final Fantasy fan I'll be on Final Fantasy X-2 the second I've finished X for the sake of completing X's story god help me


                • All Final fantasy games....beaten,mastered,played it more than twice(each of them).

                  Still playing Diablo 2 LoD online at battlenet as well as thinking of replaying RE3. I love to dodge the old school way haha.


                  • Still playing Red Dead Redemption and its not really as amazing as people have said, really it gets boring after about an hour of playing it, at which point you need a break before it becomes interesting again.

                    Also im playing RE directors cut as ive finally got a working copy


                    • Sega Sonic All Stars Racing. Its not bad, Good to see they did there history right, I love the levels and characters you can unlock. Good fun.


                      • I was trying to find some CDs to transfer to my 360 for some custom tuneage and ended up finding my Dungeon Keeper Gold and 2. A little tweaking of Vista and POW I'm 12 years old again weeee! Incidentally I could never get either of them to work on XP took me under an hour with Vista didn't need DOSBox or anything woo!

                        YOU HAVE CONQUERED THIS REALM . . .


                        • City of the Daleks, the first Doctor Who Adventure Game. It's actually pretty good.


                          • Bioshock 2 multiplayer!! I'm waiting for Alan Wake... onlly 2 more days!!


                            • Just finished my very first resident evil directors cut playthrough with chris

                              I'm still pretty bad at the old games, i clocked 7 and a half hours, 13 saves and that was on the training difficulty haha, the hunters killed me a few times aswell!!


                              • Still trying to get the last few achievements on Final Fantasy 13. Pissed off, did mission 64 with 4 mins within the time limit and only got 4 stars. Gah. Still need to grind hard on turtles to make cash to do the treasure hunter achievement.

                                Also was playing Legendary. Avoid at all cost. Barely had fun and the last area, the checkpoint is pretty much in the open so you either get shot and die on Hard or get shot and start off on 1/4 Health instead of 1/2. Can't be arsed to complete it. I just don't care.

