I finally picked up Final Fantasy XIII now that the hub-bub of it at work has finally cooled down and I'm not hearing about it 24/7. I have to say I have very mixed feelings about this one. The graphics are obviously stunning and I would expect no less from Square-Enix, but it just really has the feel of Final Fantasy X, which I found abhorrent. Out of the Playstation 2 generation Final Fantasy Final Fantasy XII was clearly the best all around: Story, graphics, battle system, et cetera.
And is it just me or does this story seem a bit more elaborate than it needs to be? There's too much involving the word 'cie'...fal'Cie, l'Cie, Cie-th...I have them straight in my mind now, but throwing all these terms at the gamer within 30 minutes of gameplay was starting to get a bit annoying.
I don't know...I'm only in Chapter 4, so I'm assuming my questions and frustrations will be dealt with.
And is it just me or does this story seem a bit more elaborate than it needs to be? There's too much involving the word 'cie'...fal'Cie, l'Cie, Cie-th...I have them straight in my mind now, but throwing all these terms at the gamer within 30 minutes of gameplay was starting to get a bit annoying.
I don't know...I'm only in Chapter 4, so I'm assuming my questions and frustrations will be dealt with.
