After finishing Dead Rising: Case West, I am now continuing my run on Assassins Creed: Brotherhood. I'm going to Miss Patrice after this chapter since this was his last work of the series. I don't know if they will be able to keep how great the consistency is with the timeline and story thus far. But who knows, this was only one person of a very large team and other core members.
No announcement yet.
What Game/Games are you playing now?
Stuck on REmake. I have the sheet music and the score and I'm in the piano room trying to get the Gold Emblem(if I recall correctly), but Rebecca is nowhere to be seen, and God knows Chris is too macho to play the goddamn piano. I'm guessing this has something to do with me being unable to save what do I do now?
EDIT: Wow, I'm an idiot. Nevermind.Last edited by Vector; 12-28-2010, 01:13 PM.
Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View PostSome people dont believe in Christianity. Get over it.
I got Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth blah blah, White Knight Chronicles, and Folklore. A friend said Folklore was really good...I plan on trying it out soon. Also played the X-Men arcade on PSN...and it was lulzy.
Originally posted by TenderRondo View PostWell most of the world does and it still offends us.
There are two things you should note - we, the staff, will only respond to comments that are deliberately offensive to a paticular member of the forum or racial, sexual or religious slurs. This does not fall under that. While you may consider it blasphemous, and I consider it blasphemous (yes, I really some of you know I'm a pretty religious guy) it doesn't make a difference. It's not a slander towards you, or a religion. Equally, we don't punish people for stating they're gay or bisexual - something equally blasphemous.
Second, I don't like topics being derailed because of someone's personal views. Let this be the last of these comments, please.
I'm probably a little more than halfway through Mass Effect 2 and it's already one of my favorite games this gen. I really liked the original but this one seems to be an improvement in nearly every way possible. I go to play it for an hour or so and switch to do something else, but 4 hours disappear and I don't wanna stop. It's awesome. I feel bad for people who pick it up on PS3 and can't experience the first game's events first-hand, because that's where a lot of the storyline and joy comes from in ME2.
Played through Deadly Premonition, loved it, more in the relevant thread.
Right now playing through Tron Evolution on the 360, for a game that's mostly about free-running they didn't do a very good job making sure it was...well good. I've fallen and died more times in the first stage of this game than i ever have in any other game, it's ridiculously erratic and boils down to luck most of the time. It's a shame too cause so far the story actually seems to be alright. I played through the DS game and it was pointless, added nothing to the story and was pretty boring. When you get a good flow going in this one it feels fun but it's very quickly taken away and the moments are few and far between.
I've gone back to play Dragon Age Awakening since the last time I played it was in March when it came out. I like it but the armor and weapons bug pisses me off so much. When I want to wear the Sentinel Armor I want it to like the the Sentinel Armor should, not the Soldiers Peak DLC Commander Warden Armor. The Vigilance Sword also looks like the Starfang sword from the Soldiers Peak DLC as well.
Risk: Factions. I love Risk, it was on sale, and I get to play zombies. The campaign is fun, but far too short. Needs more campaign. Still, the whole thing for Risk is always gonna be in the multiplayer...
I also got Hydrophobia. Gonna play that soon, me thinks.
Playing through FFIV on DS again at the moment. Also playing GOW: Ghost of Sparta on PSP, and will soon be playing Golden Sun: Dark Dawn on DS.
Will be buying Cthulhu Saves The World off Indie Games as well. The music is awesome.
Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View PostNot playing it obviously but what I've heard that Xenogears is coming to PSN? Yes please!
Anyway I was never a fan of Call of Duty till I was itching to try out Black ops since i picked it up yesterday. I am starting to like it after all though I still haven't played co-op but after I beat story mode and it is my practice I will play co-op haha. On the side note I am also playing FF9 and Fallout New Vegas and SOME re5 VS.
Fallout: New Vegas.
I've rented this game from a nearby Blockbuster for a week and to tell you the truth, I really liked the open-sandbox style of gameplay where you get to explore the Mojave Wasteland. Another thing that drew me into playing this game is the fact that at the beginning of the game, you can customize the appearance of the Courier (such as changing the Courier's gender, the Courier's ethincity, etc.) and you can even give the Courier a name. It's a very good game. I should get this game one day as soon as I head into the nearest EB Games store.