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  • Dead Space Extraction chapter 6 quiet fun.

    Bought Final Fantasy Reamke on the PSP at last and I have to say I've waited a long time to get the 1st Final Fantasy game and it's really good.


    • Siren 2, finally! Through all the waiting i at least managed to save myself £1.50 Though this is a promo copy so no disc artwork or manual but it did come in a proper case with cover artwork so that's fine by me. Only played the first few stages but i like the changes and additions from the first game It's also nice to hear the original Japanese voice over work, matched with the improved face capture technique (looks a lot smoother to me than the first game) it really is like watching a good Japanese horror movie, i kinda wonder why other games haven't mimicked the technique because it works really well.


      • Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
        DS Extraction also, I cannot be sure but it feels like they beefed up the difficulty from the Wii version. On Wii I remember doing a normal difficulty run and used just the rivet gun mainly my first run through without issues. Trying this is PS3 though and I'm getting hit quite a lot where limbs don't come off fast enough.
        Originally posted by Sephiroth View Post
        Dead Space Extraction chapter 6 quiet fun.

        Bought Final Fantasy Reamke on the PSP at last and I have to say I've waited a long time to get the 1st Final Fantasy game and it's really good.
        Suck in your guts, gentlemen!
        See you in hell.


        • Mass Effect 2


          • Played and beat Batman: Arkham Asylum in about 3 days. Pretty fun game, the only issue I really had was with the repetitive boss fights. Other than that the experience was very enjoyable as a whole...I just hope that Rocksteady works on improving the boss battles for the sequel.

            Still playing Black Ops, and I started Kingdom Hearts(PS2) last night...lots of nostalgia. I'm also downloading the Killzone 3 Beta.


            • Was going to replay more of Dead Space before the I get the sequel, but I played RE3: Mad Jackal instead


              • Been whoring myself some Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2... lots of it... but now an entire bag of new games dropped in my door... what to do?


                • Tried the Catherine demo, been interested in just what the heck it's all about, have to say i'm quite disappointed in the gameplay aspect of it. It's nothing more than a glorified puzzle game that should be on XBLA/PSN but they've thrown in what looks like a good looking anime movie in-between the crappy annoying puzzle parts. If it was an anime and they just released the crappy puzzle parts as a XBLA/PSN game it probably would do more business and have a higher chance of being brought over to the West, however as it stands i don't see it happening. Even if it did bad dubbing would probably ruin it. It just seems to be relying a lot on sex appeal, which from what i played and saw it has none of, it's a C rated game (16+/T rating) so trying to show it off as some kind of mature adult game is pointless and also misleading. That being said, if it did get brought over here, i probably would pick it up when the price got cheap because the story side of it does seem ok.


                  • I'm currently lvl 76 on WoW now, hoping to be 80 soon, then I'm going to grind to get the "Argent Champion" title and will get my Plants Vs Zombies flower pet.

                    Then after that, time to explore all this new Cataclysm content.
                    Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 02-05-2011, 04:23 AM.


                    • Originally posted by rewak View Post
                      Tried the Catherine demo, been interested in just what the heck it's all about, have to say i'm quite disappointed in the gameplay aspect of it. It's nothing more than a glorified puzzle game that should be on XBLA/PSN but they've thrown in what looks like a good looking anime movie in-between the crappy annoying puzzle parts.
                      This really saddens me. Have you thought of the possibility that the "glorified puzzle game" verdict is just the result of the demo not showcasing nearly as much as the game has to offer? Nonetheless, if it's true, dammit.


                      • From the screenshots i've only seen one other style of gameplay on offer and it seems to be small sections of talking to rams. The only other tiny bit of gameplay i neglected to mention was when you receive/send text messages but this doesn't really even count as gameplay, you read the messages and if you can reply it'll give you the option to, you just press the button and everything gets typed in for you and then you press another button to send, hardly gripping stuff.

                        Check out gameplay from the demo HERE, it's just push and pull the blocks quick enough to make a route up to the top.


                        • Thanks for showing me that. Well, if all of its like that then I'm sure it'll get stale. Nonetheless there's still a chance that all of these dreams could follow different gameplay bases.


                          • You should try it for yourself if you can, it's easy enough to make a Japanese account on PSN to get the demo or for 360 you can easily find a download on Google to burn to disc (demo's don't need any modding to run from disc on the 360). There's more cutscenes that gameplay in the demo really, i get the feeling thats what the game will be like as well hence why i said it's more anime movie than game.


                            • Dead Space 2 - still.
                              See you in hell.


                              • After finishing Fallout New Vegas I jump to play Halo: Reach... Man is that game hard on Legendary or what? Must get money to play Dead Space 2. I'm craving for some Necromorph slaughter.

                                "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key

