call of duty world at war i only played it online really never tried out singleplayer.
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im currently playing
1:Tiberian sun(CNC game,for pc,old)
2:resident evil REmake
3:Resident evil 3
4:enemy territory:Quake wars
5:Grand theft auto 4
6:Quake 4
7: Doom 3
8:red alert 2
9:Red alert 3
10:Mercs 2 world in flames
12:world in conflict
13:Company of heroes
14:ace combat 4
15:command and conquer renegade(amazingly it still has online players)Last edited by adamb1029; 12-31-2008, 01:36 AM. Reason: annoying smiley face caused by : and D close together
Adam, you liked ETQW?
I remember keeping a very close eye on its development process and played the Demo extensively. Unfortunately, what was supposed to be the Holy Grail of team- and objective based competitive gaming, turned out to be a complete disaster due to just a few errors from the developers side. They overestimated the casual gamers audience playing that game.
I still think Splash Damage is THE best game studio of our times and the product they released was flawless, from technological standpoint, and not just flawless, it was excepionally well done.
You just never assume the harsh fact that if youre developing a multiplayer title, it has to be accessible by the stupidest grey mass first.