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  • Building my private estate on Minecraft.
    See you in hell.


    • Originally posted by Xander Ashford View Post
      I did that myself a few nights ago. I was looking at some Dissidia photos and got to thinking about playing Final Fantasy VIII ages ago (I first started playing it back when I was in the eighth grade...That was twelve years ago). Anyway, I popped in into the good ole PS3 and did the last boss fight. Ah, the memories...

      I remember when I beat that game the first time, I thought it was the best thing in existence. And really the only thing that has changed is the FMV scenes are absolute crap on an HD TV...I really would like to see a remade and definitely more challenging version of the game made...Or a continued story.
      It's strange, FF7 and FF8 still feel very fresh in my mind even though I haven't played the games for years... Perhaps its because I did at least 2 or 3 playthroughs with nearly a hundred hours on each one.. I guess the only other non-MMORPG I played like that is Phantasy Star Online on the DC/GC. But yes, awesome games.. I even played through FF8 JP version and jotted down the differences..


      • Originally posted by Scream View Post
        It's strange, FF7 and FF8 still feel very fresh in my mind even though I haven't played the games for years... Perhaps its because I did at least 2 or 3 playthroughs with nearly a hundred hours on each one.. I guess the only other non-MMORPG I played like that is Phantasy Star Online on the DC/GC. But yes, awesome games.. I even played through FF8 JP version and jotted down the differences..
        I used to play PSO on the GC with my brother and couple of friends, 4-players offline, a few years back for serveral years...hours on end over the weekends.

        I miss those days.

        I still play Phantasy Star Online BlueBurst (PC) from time to time on a private server (much better than what the official one used to be)....


        • Going for Alice Madness Returns and 007 Blood Stone platinum
          "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


          • Started Shadows of the Damned. And I'm loving it


            • Originally posted by Xander Ashford View Post
              I did that myself a few nights ago. I was looking at some Dissidia photos and got to thinking about playing Final Fantasy VIII ages ago (I first started playing it back when I was in the eighth grade...That was twelve years ago). Anyway, I popped in into the good ole PS3 and did the last boss fight. Ah, the memories...

              I remember when I beat that game the first time, I thought it was the best thing in existence. And really the only thing that has changed is the FMV scenes are absolute crap on an HD TV...I really would like to see a remade and definitely more challenging version of the game made...Or a continued story.
              Nice, I was thinking about doing the last fight too but I got side-tracked with doing the puzzles within the large section of the game again (the bloody music is catchy).

              It would be nice to have something done for VIII, I'd really love to learn more about the other characters as I was mostly disappointed due to that.

              Also nice Fon Ronsenburg/Judge Magister Gabranth avatar.
              Non-blurry Signature Version
              Youtube | Steam | Website (Under Construction)


              • It's not often I hear love for VIII. It was my first FF and I love it dearly. Despite the fact I put myself in a bad spot on the final castle/dungeon.

                Probably one of the deeper titles in the series for a newbie to jump into, but it was amazing.


                • Originally posted by Humor Tumor View Post
                  It's not often I hear love for VIII. It was my first FF and I love it dearly. Despite the fact I put myself in a bad spot on the final castle/dungeon.

                  Probably one of the deeper titles in the series for a newbie to jump into, but it was amazing.
                  I know, most people bitch about it. I love it, I just wish every now and then that there could have been a bit more of a break from the constant focus on Squall and Rinoa and shed some light on the other characters (VII tells us a little bit TOO MUCH at points in my book about some of the other characters whereas VIII tells us too little).

                  I loved the last dungeon, particularly the painting puzzle or the organ one (I liked how there was the organ one again in X-2).
                  Non-blurry Signature Version
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                  • Yeah, the focus on Squall/Rinoa was just too much. I would have loved to learn more of Quistis or Irvine.

                    And the junction system gave the game a ton of options. And also made magic using a much riskier gamble, as you had to draw it.


                    • Originally posted by Humor Tumor View Post
                      Yeah, the focus on Squall/Rinoa was just too much. I would have loved to learn more of Quistis or Irvine.

                      And the junction system gave the game a ton of options. And also made magic using a much riskier gamble, as you had to draw it.
                      Yeah, I was always curious about them or Selphie especially with the bit in Trabia Garden if you leave her out of your party, the computer brings up her personal info, she runs in and wipes it before walking out without saying anything much about it.
                      Non-blurry Signature Version
                      Youtube | Steam | Website (Under Construction)


                      • Originally posted by Enetirnel View Post
                        Yeah, I was always curious about them or Selphie especially with the bit in Trabia Garden if you leave her out of your party, the computer brings up her personal info, she runs in and wipes it before walking out without saying anything much about it.
                        Yeah, there was that and I also noticed an odd suspiscion with Spoiler:
                        Last edited by Inferno04; 07-19-2011, 02:56 AM.


                        • Originally posted by Kaneco View Post
                          I used to play PSO on the GC with my brother and couple of friends, 4-players offline, a few years back for serveral years...hours on end over the weekends.

                          I miss those days.

                          I still play Phantasy Star Online BlueBurst (PC) from time to time on a private server (much better than what the official one used to be)....
                          I played BlueBurst both on JP Segapass (I think you had to pay for this?) and schthack. schthack was very well done indeed for a private server. It was a big mistake to sign up though, played it for like 10 hours straight, too addicting.. had to delete all the files. Hopefully I'll never have to do another 3 hit combo again I might consider playing it again though if they invent a way to pause time IRL.

                          And yeah for me FF7 and FF8 are like RE1 and RE2. FF7 was my first FF so couldn't wait for FF8 and I wasn't disappointed. Intro movie was frigging awesome at the time. Music was fantastic as well, loved that Balamb garden tune..


                          • Suikoden > Final Fantasy
                            See you in hell.


                            • Yep I agree. Suikoden 1 is better than Final Fantasy 1. Suikoden II is better than FF1-5, though everyone says FF6 is the next Jesus, I still need to complete it before I can give my decision... Luca Blight owns your soul.


                              • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                                Suikoden > Final Fantasy
                                Shadow Hearts > Every RPG Ever

