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What Game/Games are you playing now?

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  • Persona 3 FES, gonna play The Answer, and maybe start Persona 4 after I beat that. They are pretty long games so I might take a break.


    • im just starting chapter 4 in Dead Space.

      and to my surprise, the game is actually a little scary, just proves how far RE4 failed in that department.


      • Metal Gear Ac!d, which was grossly underrated. Same with the sequel.
        See you in hell.


        • Escape from monkey island (ps2) and GTA IV (360).
          Last edited by A-J; 01-24-2009, 09:04 AM.


          • Originally posted by A-J View Post
            Escape from monkey island (ps2).
            I am Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate.

            At the moment I'm playing MK VS DC. Better than I expected.


            • GTA3 Xbox.

              What's funny is that for the 5+ years I have been playing GTA3 on PC, and the 50+ attempts at the Paramedic mission that all failed, I managed to get it on one go on the first day that I brought home my Xbox version.

              Irony is so shitty sometimes.


              • im up to mission 10 now in Dead Space, it's been great so far, ive loved almost every bit of it, the only part that i didn't really like was where you had to arm the mass driver canons.


                • metal gear online, just got to lvl 13
                  damn i suck i just got to lvl 13 and i have 200+ hours on there lol


                  • well i just finished Dead Space today, and i have to say it's the best game ive played this gen so far, though it possibly ties with COD4.

                    i loved it, i can't wait till Dead Space 2 comes out.

                    the ending was Epic, and it was actually scary in parts as well, proves how much RE4 sucks at being scary.

                    i think ill start MGS1 tomorrow.


                    • I hear nothing but good things about Dead Space but I played the demo and HATED it.


                      • Dead Space impossible mode on my PC, should be my 6th playthrough.
                        I LOVE this game. Game of the year to me.

                        And finally I have the animated movie DVD (released on December 3rd here in Italy) =)

                        Also next week should be arriving the first 3 comics released in US last year that I bought on one week ago (I'm actually in search of the other 3 issues) and also the Harcover Comic (the book collects all six issues of the Dead space comic series, concept artwork from the game, previously unseen art by Ben Templesmith, and extra background information on the series’ main characters by Antony Johnston) just ordered on
                        Last edited by Sunglasses; 01-25-2009, 02:56 PM.


                        • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                          I hear nothing but good things about Dead Space but I played the demo and HATED it.
                          I played through the whole game, and while I didn't hate it, I was very underwhelmed. I was surprised by just how much good press this game has gotten. It's about as generic as they come.

                          I suppose I'll elaborate a little more. I got the impression that the development team couldn't decide just what kind of horror game they wanted to make, be it "shock" horror, "psychological" horror, or "gore" horror, so instead they basically just threw everything at you and hoped something stuck. The problem is that none of it meshed well together. You could tell when they were trying to be shocking, when they were trying to be "psychological," and when they were just trying to gross you out. It was all delineated, and it really hurt the pacing and, dare I say, immersion.

                          It's kind of hard to be frightened when you know exactly how the developer wants you to react to a "scare." I'm not sure if that makes any sense. Also, the jump moments were so obvious that I knew almost exactly when to expect them as I was moving through an area. See a vent? A monster is going to jump out when you get close to it. See a "dead" body lying there on the ground? Surprise! It's going to jump up and attack you as you pass by. This tactic was particularly ineffective, because the only dead monster bodies you ever saw in the game were the ones that jumped up at you. It would have worked a lot better if there had been monster corpses that didn't jump up and attack you once in awhile.

                          In any case, I think by the end of the game even the developers gave up trying to make it scary, because it just turned into another average third person shooter. Any sense of "strategy" that may have arisen from the whole "strategic dismemberment" shtick goes right out the window when you just have hordes of the enemies running at you, and it's a whole lot easier to just mow them all down with the pulse rifle than actually trying to cut off limbs.
                          Last edited by Archelon; 01-25-2009, 03:59 PM.


                          • @Archeleon
                            I can't understand your point of view, however Dead Space is not just a game, there is an amazing story behind, i suggest to you the comics, the animated movie and the backstory website "no known survivors".

                            The story and the atmosphere in Dead Space are epic, if you are talking about gameplay, yes it looks like another average third person shooter, but games are not just gameplay.


                            • Originally posted by Sunglasses View Post
                              I can't understand your point of view, however Dead Space is not just a game, there is an amazing story behind, i suggest to you the comics, the animated movie and the backstory website "no known survivors".
                              I've actually read all the comics and seen the animated movie. One of my biggest problems with the game was actually the story, ha ha. I think they tried to do a little too much. A lot of things didn't quite link together very well.

                              For example:



                              • And there are also tons of other things don't link together very well in Dead Space. But I think it's not a tragedy...we are RE fans, and all we know Capcom during this years did tons of similar mistakes with RE, I'm wrong?

