I finally got around to picking up Soul Calibur IV and spent last night fiddling with the character creation once AGAIN.
This time instead of making Biohazard characters, I spotted and item which made me go "HELL. YES. Done and dusted on this one!"... and I ended up making father NieR from NieR Gestalt using nearly all of the default item sets without even going through story mode and the like.
And to show what character I was basing that roughly on, I just made a quick low-quality scan from my copy of Grimoire NieR showing Gestalt Nier instead of RepliCant Nier.
Of course, making Wesker again is a given since we've got D.C. Douglas' voice.
I'm thinking about making human forms for the Grimoires and with a little tweaking, I could have Grimoire Weiss and Grimoire Noir beating the crap out of each other once more!
But that reminds me... I need to stop holding off on finishing NieR Gestalt & RepliCant (seeing as I did go to the effort to import the RepliCant version)...
This time instead of making Biohazard characters, I spotted and item which made me go "HELL. YES. Done and dusted on this one!"... and I ended up making father NieR from NieR Gestalt using nearly all of the default item sets without even going through story mode and the like.
And to show what character I was basing that roughly on, I just made a quick low-quality scan from my copy of Grimoire NieR showing Gestalt Nier instead of RepliCant Nier.
Of course, making Wesker again is a given since we've got D.C. Douglas' voice.
I'm thinking about making human forms for the Grimoires and with a little tweaking, I could have Grimoire Weiss and Grimoire Noir beating the crap out of each other once more!

But that reminds me... I need to stop holding off on finishing NieR Gestalt & RepliCant (seeing as I did go to the effort to import the RepliCant version)...