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  • Nier is good. Kind of fell off the radar, but I've had fun with it. Talking books actually make for exciting characters. Who'd have thunk it?


    • Playing Dead Rising 2: Off The Record. That's how you sell the "same" game 2 times Capcom.

      Little plot twists here and there and add something new, sell it at a budget price. Sandbox mode is fantastic. Nothing like insane zombie killing fun for hours.

      "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


      • Run-down of what I've been playing...

        Folklore (PS3) [Made a trade online; my 'Resident Evil: Gaiden' mint condition for 'Folklore' in excellent condition...Great Game so far!]
        Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) [Best JRPG of this GEN!]
        SoulCalibur V (PS3) [Playing an online tournament...doing fairly well]
        Skullgirls (PSN) [Awesome fighting game!]
        Mass Effect 2 (PS3) [Almost Done...I can taste the 'Arrival' DLC coming into play shortly]
        Dungeon Defenders (PSN) [Playing with my brother and a few friends...very addictive fun]
        Castlevania: Harmony of Despair (PSN) [Same as above]
        Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition/DLC (PS3) [Playing DLC Chapters & both old/new mercenaries with my brother just for fun]


        • I've been playing World of Warcraft.
          See you in hell.


          • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
            I've been playing World of Warcraft.
            We knew you well, Spencer. We knew you well.


            • Just downloaded the XBLA game AMY after playing the demo, its actually pretty damn good and marks the first time ive bought an arcade game. Also playing mass effect 3, good old student loan helped with that one!


              • Don't be like me and end up with awesome stuff (Project Zero...mmmm) and no food.


                • Street fighter x Tekken Managed to rank up to C, but the last guy brought me down 200 BP thanks to shoryuken(Ryu's EX shoryuken has an impossible amount of range and the frames are just crazy) and throw spamming.


                  • legend of grimrock
                    mass effect 3
                    silent hill downpour
                    witcher 2


                    • Just finished Spidey: Web of Shadows. Dabbling in Dead Island, RE5 Gold, RE:ORC, ME3, MLB 12 The Show and even some MW3 here and there. Not sure what game to start next...FF13, Enslaved, Skyrim, Dead Space 2, AC: Brotherhood, or Dragon Age: Origins.


                      • Finished the Witcher 2. It was good, but a little underwhelming. Combat is obscenely ill-designed IMO. It also saddens me that the DLC additions turned out to be nothing more than fluff.

                        Still enjoyed it, and I actually liked a few of the characters more than I thought I would (Saskia and Iorveth (sp?) especially).

                        Overall an 8.5/10.
                        A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                        • Started playing Dragon Age II the other day, I went in expecting it to be absolutely horrible - as I've been told by multiple people but it doesn't seem to be that bad. Yes, repetitive dungeons - but even Mass Effect had this.

                          So far, so good. Can't really say that much as I haven't beaten it yet. Not as bad as I thought it would be and I've taken a liking to these new characters, but it doesn't feel like a completely new sequel. Just feels sort of like a side-story/spin-off instead of a full-blown sequel.

                          Though seeing people bitch that they want to hear their character's name said and shit, just makes me think that more games should employ Vocaloid on top of the actual dialogue to add further customization (and trust me, once the actual Vocaloid recordings are done, they aren't actually that hard to use (even for normal dialogue instead of song vocals) - I know, I've used Luka, Gakupo and some of the original ones before).
                          Last edited by Enetirnel; 04-24-2012, 12:20 AM.
                          Non-blurry Signature Version
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                          • It's nice to see someone approach Dragon Age 2 with a bit of an open mind. It's a flawed game, sure, but it's nowhere near as bad as some claim. Personally, I liked it more than Origins in pretty much every respect, but that's just my perspective.
                            A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                            • Playing some Peace Walker.
                              See you in hell.


                              • Recently finished Dirt3 which was a pretty good driving game had some fun bonus races such as drifting and gymkana's but it was a little bit to repetitive for me and you cant do up your car to make it your own you pretty swap vehicles every race.

                                Tonight I finished NFS The Run. I havent enjoy one of these games since Underground 2 and Carbon but saw the trailer and thought oh cool I like the QTE events like in Heavy Rain and thought I would give it a go since I'm signed up to Boomerang and nothing else was available to me at the time. The QTE events are few and far between and only last about a minute tops. For a game that is 'apparently' packed??? with cars I only got to drive about 6-7 throughout the whole game. No kitting up your car or anything like that either. Some of the races where very frustrating especially against the guy who is at number 3. God I wanted to pull my hair out. Cops are chasing you down while you both race and they only seem interested in you even though the guy infront is clearly going faster. Was total bs I literally had to ram him off the road and spin him out to get a chance. Kinda glad I've finished with it now. Hopefully Silent Hill Downpour next please Boomerang.
                                Last edited by CrimsonElder; 04-24-2012, 11:53 PM.

