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  • well i just finished MGS3 and cried during the ending movie, it was absaloutely amazing, i loved it so much, it was so emotional and sad.

    i would give MGS3 11/10 it was so good. i loved every second of it.

    tomorrow i start MGS4 and am going to try and finish it by RE5's release date.


    • currently playing killzone2 and eliminate down on the mega drive
      Last edited by alone-in-shadow; 03-02-2009, 03:14 AM.


      • I restarted Final Fantasy IX all ready 3 hous into the game.


        • what im playing right now is dino crisis 1 awsome game ( resident evil just with dinosaurs) XD


          • im playing re2 on the comp
            damn im not used 2 a keyboard as a controller


            • well right now im playing MGS4, and so far im really disapointed in it. why on earth did they change it so much from MGS3? it was already perfect why the hell change it. and i cannot stand the new camera, it's like bloody RE4!

              im not that far in yet, just met Drebin for the first time, hopefully the game gets better as it goes along, cause i turned it of out of bordom after a while.

              and i don't like any of the characters either. i dont really like what they did with Snake, Old Snake kinda sucks, hopefully he gets better, and Otacon isn't as good as before either.

              also for some strange reason, MGS4's graphics seem of less quality than MGS3's graphics. there is more detail obviously, but the artistic design is just shit compared to MGS3's jungle environments.

              i just hope all my favorite characters will still be my favorites by the time i finish it.


              • The only positive thing about MGS4 is the last boss fight, the last cutscene and the Shadow Moses deja vu.
                Why Hideo??? Why?
                Last edited by aris13; 03-03-2009, 04:55 AM.


                • I uninstalled NFS:Underground. It can't hold a tea candle to Burnout Paradise.


                  • Originally posted by Helegad View Post
                    I uninstalled NFS:Underground. It can't hold a tea candle to Burnout Paradise.
                    I uninstalled Prince of Persia because it simply cannot hold a candle to Resident Evil 4!


                    • TAP TAP revenge NIN version on my ipod touch


                      • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                        hopefully the game gets better as it goes along
                        It really doesn't.

                        The first two Acts are by far the best, and it all just goes downhill from there.

                        I think one of the biggest problems with Metal Gear Solid 4 is that Hideo Kojima made so many promises and yet failed to make good on most of them.

                        As an example, one of the big draws of MGS4 was supposed to be the ability to pick a side in a war (or work both sides, or avoid them altogether) and turn the tide in that side's favor, but this never actually materializes in the game. You're always an enemy to the PMCs, no matter how many rebels you kill or incapacitate. If you don't help the rebels, they'll attack you, unless you kill a PMC in front of them. So there really aren't any "sides" to speak of. You either help the rebels or you avoid them entirely, and very few things you can do actually "turn the tide," and even then, the difference is minimal at best. You may just have less PMCs to fight in one area, or be able to walk through an area held by the rebels without being attacked.

                        Another big theme for the game was supposed to be "nowhere to hide," with fully destructible environments preventing you from being able to hide in one place for too long, because it may get blown to bits. This got the axe, however, and the only environmental destruction is relegated to scripted events and has very little impact on the actual gameplay.

                        One issue I have always had with the MGS series is that you're always given a sizeable arsenal of powerful weapons to use, but then you're actually penalized for using them. MGS4 compounds this problem with the Drebin system and the insane amount and variety of weapons at your disposal. This, combined with the new third person shooter controls, makes it much easier to play this game as a straight up shooter, despite the fact that it is not meant to be played that way.

                        The story is a complete mess and basically ruins everything that came before it in the series, as it retcons the crap out of the established canon. The cutscenes are unnecessarily long. I know this is a staple of the MGS series, but MGS4 takes it to the utmost extreme, reiterating and repeating plot points and themes from earlier cutscenes in the game ad nauseum. It also doesn't help that many of the cutscenes consist of little more than static 2D images.

                        Another issue I had with the cutscenes has to do with the codec screen, or rather, the lack thereof. Konami made a really big deal about the fact that MGS4 would rely less on codec conversations to convey the story than in previous games in the franchise. It sounded good on paper, but in execution, not so much. It even seems disingenuous, because many of the cutscenes involve two characters talking to each other without actually doing anything. They're either just standing there or sitting down. These cutscenes could have just as easily been presented as a codec sequence, and it would have made little to no difference. Now we get to see their whole bodies instead of just their heads. Whoopee.
                        Last edited by Archelon; 03-05-2009, 08:11 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Archelon View Post

                          The story is a complete mess and basically ruins everything that came before it in the series
                          Finally someone said it. I agree 100% with you man. I mean how on earth did Hideo came up with the romance of Otacon and Naomi - Meryl and Johnny. Jesus, was that really nessesary? And did he have to bring back all the characters and some of them for no reason.

                          Anyway right now I'm playing Resident Evil Remake on the Game Cube.


                          • ok i have a lot to say about MGS4, i cannot decide weather i like the game, or weather i absaloutely hate it.

                            im only up to fighting Raven so far, but Kojima has already managed to fuck up everything i love about the MG series.

                            ok im gonna put this in spoilers just in case i get modded.

                            Last edited by missvalentine; 03-06-2009, 06:26 AM.


                            • at the moment im playing home ( the new resident evil place ) and its awsome then my char i tried make him look like wesker but damn its hard with so limited outfits and freaking RED sunglasses XD haha but els its pretty sweet


                              • mgs: VR missions

                                im almost 100% done with it, i just need to get 1st place on some levels

