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What Game/Games are you playing now?

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  • Now I'am playing Parasite Eve for the first time. It is fucking AWESOME! Can't belive I've missed it back in the days.
    "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


    • holy crap nomad talk about late to the party. I LOVE parasite eve, cannot wait for Third Birthday on the PSP.

      Also, i'm playing Far Cry 2 these days, really beautiful game for a console title. Also, apparently it's okey to kill African people as long as they're drug dealers, but when they're obviously in-human infected monsters, you'll be a racist if you kill them


      • resident evil 5 of couse dooh XD


        • I was not playing any video game since i stopped playing re5 a few days ago. Im thinking into either guetting xbox live to play re5 online or starting playing D2 again...


          • RE5 was boring me to death with it's horrible single player mode. so i started playing my brothers PSP for a while, then my cousins copy of Bioshock. i really love the level design and artwork in Bioshock, it's got amazing atmosphere.


            • Resident Evil 5.


              • Resident evil 5!!! What else do you think im playing!? YEAH!!!!


                • Continuing my Professional run on RE5, working my way through it bit by bit.
                  See you in hell.


                  • STRUGGLING through Silent Hill 5. It is so buggy and stupid, I might actually start crying in a minute... Unless I get more shotgun ammo...


                    • Currently upto the Arcadia section of Bioshock. I'm trying to focus on rescuing all the Little Sisters, fully researching everything and upgrading every weapon. I want those damn achievements.

                      Oh, I'm going to get the Irony one this time as well. I didn't know about it the first time around, but this time I'll get it.


                      • Killzone 2, Resident Evil 5, and Halo Wars.


                        • while im away from my ps3 ill go down to my local mexican food restaurant and play MK2, and get my ass whooped lol oh well, its only 25 cents 2 play


                          • right now im playing metal gear solid 2 im raiden now


                            • Just been on Metal Gear and Final Fantasy XI so fair today.


                              • Still on the Arcadia part of BioShock but I'm nearing the end of the section, just up to the Farmers Market. I think I've maanged to Rescue every Little Sister so far as well, so hopefully I'll get the achievement for it.

                                I'm peeved to find out that I have to update the rest of my weapons again to get the weapon achievements. I guess I could go looking for the Power To The People machines on my first file but I can't be bothered.

