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What Game/Games are you playing now?

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  • Playing Pokemon Platinum, its been just over 8 years since i've played one of these games, I think Yellow version was the last one. I must say i'm enjoying it very much


    • Prototype awsome game full of action.


      • right now im playing Bionic Commando the most and i gotta say it (sorry mr.spencer) but it isnt that good of a game the trophies/achivments are REALLY easy to get ill be playing commando on my next run through.


        • Beaten the 4th Boss on Prototype it was a real pain in the ass it took about 10 mins to beat it.


          • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
            Completely agree. Fable 2 is an addictive game and I've made about three characters myself, because I love the diversity of stuff you can do. The DLC is fairly fun as well. I'm not going to say what happens, but the ending to me was total wank and a let down.
            I actually really liked how the ending played out if I'm honest.



            • Started a game of Dead Space at a friend's house. He's pretty adamant that I play through the whole thing. I'm enjoying it.

              Also got into Nazi Zombies. Fun


              • Resistance 2.


                • Was playing OutRun Online Arcade all morning. I can never satisfy my girlfriend.
                  See you in hell.


                  • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                    Was playing OutRun Online Arcade all morning. I can never satisfy my girlfriend.
                    ...I really, really want to add some hilarious line to this but, well, the job is already done.

                    This week, I've been mostly playing...Outbreak File #2. For some reason Underbelly is making me it's bitch.


                    • I just got a 15 day free trial for GameFly, and I'll be receiving Ghostbusters and Gears of War 2 for 360 in a few days.


                      • Bionic commando on commando mode. its bullshit and i fucking hate it one shot from a sniper and your down but heres the best part about that. they throw 5 snipers your way from diffrent angles so your gonna get fucked up no matter what. plus the fact that he cant hold his breath longer than 3 seconds. i just want to platinums this and be done with it.


                        • I rented Red Faction: Guerrilla and Call of Duty World at War yesterday. Red Faction is very fun in a sort of "I'm gunna beat the shit out of this building then run away and watch it collapse all cool-like" :>


                          • resi2 on dreamcast god brings back alot of memories of when i first started playing RE that and old skool classics like sonic 3, streets of rage, revenge of shinobi and golden axe <3


                            • Playing [Prototype] and enjoying the hell out of it.

                              Originally posted by GuardhouseMusic View Post
                              What I want to know is what happened to all of those alternate endings in games

                              Can anyone name some good recent games with multiple endings? (I would guess Mass Effect is one of 'em, from the looks of it, but I haven't played much of it).
                              Mass Effect has only one ending, but it's a hell of and ending.


                              • Originally posted by GuardhouseMusic View Post
                                Started a game of Dead Space at a friend's house. He's pretty adamant that I play through the whole thing. I'm enjoying it.

                                Also got into Nazi Zombies. Fun
                                Dead Space is brilliant, i would suggest playing through all of it too, it's something everyone should experience.

                                And Nazi Zombies is probably the greatest mini game ever made, it's so fun.

                                Originally posted by Corrin View Post
                                I rented Red Faction: Guerrilla and Call of Duty World at War yesterday. Red Faction is very fun in a sort of "I'm gunna beat the shit out of this building then run away and watch it collapse all cool-like" :>
                                I love Red Faction Guerrilla, have you used the black hole mine thingy yet?

