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  • i platinumed Bionic Commando today so now i've started on Dead Space.


    • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
      i platinumed Bionic Commando today so now i've started on Dead Space.
      What do you think of Dead Space so far? I thought it was epic, just don't expect much of a scenery change and it's easily the best game this generation.


      • Been on MGS4 I been playing the whole game without useing the solid eye on extream and I spent just about 45 mins fighting Cryingwolf it is a pain in the ass belive me it makes the fight more fun but more anoying senice I caint evan use NVY so that made the fight evan longer.


        • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
          What do you think of Dead Space so far? I thought it was epic, just don't expect much of a scenery change and it's easily the best game this generation.

          its not bad,its not scary but its creepy. im not a fan of the controls though to be honest.


          • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
            What do you think of Dead Space so far? I thought it was epic, just don't expect much of a scenery change and it's easily the best game this generation.
            I wouldn't go as far as to call it the best game this generation. It's an alright game which gets repetative quickly.

            Finished The World Ends With You last night. Dear god. What a game |:


            • Whilest playing Resident Evil Directors Cut, i'm going back to Fahrenheit, i'm in the mood to push buttons at the right time and try to hide stuff in my apartment.
              Last edited by nemesis_lover; 06-21-2009, 11:19 AM.


              • Been on Ghostbusters im not going to spoil the game all I can sat so fair is it's great it feels just as good as the movies it's really enjoyable the online is ok nothing big it's fun to pass the time by the the game it's self it good.


                • Playing my fourth run on RE Survivor...


                  • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                    its not bad,its not scary but its creepy. im not a fan of the controls though to be honest.
                    Yeah it's a very creepy game, and it gets scary later in the game. What part are you up to now? Also what's so bad about the controls? I never had an issue with them.

                    Originally posted by BadWolfX View Post
                    I wouldn't go as far as to call it the best game this generation. It's an alright game which gets repetative quickly.
                    I guess we have different tastes then don't we.


                    • Just beat Ghostbusters, and I'm moving onto Gears of War 2.

                      Here's hoping I enjoy 2 more than Gears 1, which was mostly a disappointment to me.


                      • 2 is a much better game than one, the story (which was the weakest link of 1) is much better fleshed out (but kinda falls apart near the end)


                        • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                          Just beat Ghostbusters, and I'm moving onto Gears of War 2.

                          Here's hoping I enjoy 2 more than Gears 1, which was mostly a disappointment to me.
                          I liked Gears of War 1 better than two, i liked the mission structure a lot more.

                          But there both great games.


                          • Gunbound,Left 4 Dead and Devil May Cry 3 & 4


                            • let's see saturn version of reisdent evil god i love that game <3, sonic 3 on xbla ¬_¬ and bionic commando re-armed also on xbla ¬_¬ i need too get that ps3 of mine hooked up too my monitor i hate using my 360.


                              • Still on Res5 also been playing Pro Evo Footy alot. Getting all the SS rank's on Merc's. My Wii is in the post though so I'll be playing Res Chronicles, 4 and Archives soon as it arrives.

