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  • Still playing Killzone 2 im done with the story mode i got all of the trophies on the story.

    Now me and a few friends are going to be boosting tonight for the weekly rankings so i can get that over with.

    Then im on to the DLC trophies


    • Been on Kingdom Hearts 2 and MGO im going on Zelda OT soon to finish the forest temple off.


      • Fifa 09


        • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
          Still playing Killzone 2 im done with the story mode i got all of the trophies on the story.

          Now me and a few friends are going to be boosting tonight for the weekly rankings so i can get that over with.

          Then im on to the DLC trophies

          I f*cking hate modern videogame industry. Is this really what it boils down to?


          • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
            Still playing Killzone 2 im done with the story mode i got all of the trophies on the story.

            Now me and a few friends are going to be boosting tonight for the weekly rankings so i can get that over with.

            Then im on to the DLC trophies
            "Friends", huh?
            See you in hell.


            • hmmm lets see completed persona 4 on a bad ending so i intend too get the true ending sometime, max payne slowly getting there and mainly been on 1 vs 100 beta on xbl.


              • Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
                I f*cking hate modern videogame industry. Is this really what it boils down to?
                I have to say I agree with this.

                But we just had this argument a page back, lets not do it again.
                Last edited by missvalentine; 07-20-2009, 01:27 PM.


                • do we got to go over this again huh?

                  there is NOTHING wrong about collecting trophies. I like collecting them in games,I play certain games for trophies thats it. I play MGS and there is NO MGS game with trophies that is released yet (PW and Rising has to have them) And I still play them. I play games for fun but I think collecting trophies is fun.Why does it bother people so god damn much?
                  Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 07-20-2009, 02:49 PM.


                  • Just beat inFamous. My brain still hurts from that mindfuck of an ending.


                    I already started a second playthrough. I was a good little boy on my first run, so now I'm gonna be an evil prick. Instead of reviving a person I see writhing in pain on the sidewalk, I'm gonna give 'em a swift lightning kick to the ribs. If someone gets in my way, they're getting their ass zapped.

                    EDIT: I think I figured something out.

                    Last edited by Vector; 07-20-2009, 03:59 PM.


                    • fuck, i need to get 360 back from my friend. tired of sitting on my ass with nothin' to do.
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                      • Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
                        I f*cking hate modern videogame industry. Is this really what it boils down to?
                        yes it does. its all about pretty visuals and multiplayer as well.

                        what were once single player games (Uncharted and BioShock to name a few) now incorporate multi-player online.

                        fuckin' stupid if you ask me. its what makes certain games unique. but now they're like the rest of the frats of the world.
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                        • Damn. Just logged on Call of Duty 4 for the first time in months, and I forgot just how much I used to play this game.

                          ...I logged 263 hours.


                          • I know I'm a bit late to the game, but just yesterday I bought Left 4 Dead and it is really fun! I'm really enjoying myself with this game. My favorite part is that each campaign is not the same. Enemies will be in different areas each time you play, and you never know what to expect.


                            • I still play L4D, man. Versus, Campaign, Survival -- it doesn't matter. It catches a lot of flak from some people for some reason, but it's one of my favorite games this gen. I love it. I can't wait for L4D2, even though I'm still not close to being done with this one.


                              • Originally posted by Branden_Lucero View Post
                                yes it does. its all about pretty visuals and multiplayer as well.
                                I dont mind the visuals and I dont mind multiplayer. In fact, multiplayer is by far the biggest leap and achievement the games have made over the last 10 years. Its turned videogaming into something noone really thought of back then. Its given people and developers a qhole truckload of options.

                                On the flipside, amazing graphics = amazing workload, which is why it costs to make games and you often see devs taking a "safer road".

                                Thats not what I meant though. I meant awarding and rewarding individual goals and egoistic behaviour with .jpeg medals, ribbons, awards, trophies, progressive statistics tracking and ranking. This singlehandedly kills any and all shreds of teamwork in multiplayer games and sadly more and more games incorporate these new RPG-esque features. Most people are rats, they like to grind.

                                what were once single player games (Uncharted and BioShock to name a few) now incorporate multi-player online.
                                Its because its difficult to sell a game which will only last you 12 hours, unless its really amazing. The things I see on RE forums make me laugh. People sinking dozens of hours on games to unlock a single gun. Some have even sunk hundreds of hours into RE4 for example, and thats not even an exception. If you want replay value, you should actually expect some real value. Multiplayer is one way to extend your playtime.

