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  • I just got sexy beam again, whoot awesomeness! Love the way she shoots it and says "Sexy beam"

    I'm also playing dead space 2 but I didn't like it much IMO anyway.


    • Street Fighter 4.



      • It almost pisses me off how much I play Left 4 Dead. I wanna play other games like Mass Effect, SOCOM and MLB 09, but I just keep bringing myself back to L4D. It sickens me. It doesn't matter what I play, either. It could be Campaign, Versus, Survival or Singleplayer -- it doesn't matter. I love the game way too much. I still have four achievements left(Zombie Genocidist is inevitable, not getting boomed on is hard, not getting damaged by a special infected is hard, and beating the last 3 campaigns on Expert are gonna be a bitch) but that's not why I play the game. I haven't played a game this much since COD4.

        Because of this, Left 4 Dead 2 is currently shooting up my list of most-wanted titles.


        • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
          Mass Effect.


          I also just tried the Dissidia Final Fantasy demo on my PSP. Wow. WOW. I never thought I'd enjoy a fighting game so much, let alone a fighting game on a handheld. It really is an awesome's making me really wanna buy the game.
          Is Zack from final fantasy 7 playable??


          • No, Zack isn't available. It's the main protaganist and antaganists of each series.

            Apart from the 11 and 12 representatives.


            • Originally posted by Grinder View Post
              Is Zack from final fantasy 7 playable??
              Not in Dissidia, he's available as a bonus character in an older game that I mentioned earlier - Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring (which also shows his surname was first Forrester, then it became Fair), a few other characters appear in Ehrgeiz too.

              I'm pretty sure it's up on PSN for download.

              Although, there is all possibility that Zack could be in the next one since Nomura wanted to make a sequel as soon as it was released in Japan.

              Currently I'm going over Syphon Filter - The Omega Strain again.
              Non-blurry Signature Version
              Youtube | Steam | Website (Under Construction)


              • I beat Uncharted, a very good game, loved the story, the gameplay while the platforming aspects were all too similar to TR games was good, I love the characters, they just have so much life in them, but that's Naughty Dog characters


                • Hey, is the Heather Beam/Sexy Beam only in the Japanese version? I've heard something along those lines.

                  Anyway, I just picked up a used copy of Silent Hill 4: The Room. Some of the gameplay elements/controls are jarring but I'm more or less getting used to it. Right now I'm stuck, but I'll see what I can do without help.

                  Anyway, upon completion of Silent Hill 3, I'm more than impressed at the characters, design, effect, and soundtrack.


                  • I just finished Haunting Ground!

                    It was amazing in all aspects. If you have not ever played it I recommend you do so now if you are a survival horror fan.


                    I really hope a Haunting Ground 2 is made someday. Although I have no idea how it would work. I just loved the first one so much I want more.

                    Originally posted by GuardhouseMusic View Post
                    Hey, is the Heather Beam/Sexy Beam only in the Japanese version? I've heard something along those lines.

                    Anyway, I just picked up a used copy of Silent Hill 4: The Room. Some of the gameplay elements/controls are jarring but I'm more or less getting used to it. Right now I'm stuck, but I'll see what I can do without help.

                    Anyway, upon completion of Silent Hill 3, I'm more than impressed at the characters, design, effect, and soundtrack.
                    I was wondering that too. I want to see what this sexy beam is. I only played through SH3 for the first time recently as well, I'm going to replay through it soon as well.

                    I'm hoping to pick up SH4 and Origins soon too.


                    • I still play Ehrgeiz at times! For Godhand=Jin kazama!


                      • The only thing that upsets me about Dissidia is that Ultimecia is in it instead of Seifer. I know she was the main antagonist in FFVIII, but, damn it...Squall and Seifer were the rivalry.


                        • Started playing the XBLA version of Marvel VS Capcom 2 a few days I'm bad at it, even with an arcade stick. Granted, it's the first time I've ever actually owned the game, but it's still pretty damned fun. While I'm horrendous at combos, I've grown fond of Iron Man's Proton Cannon.


                          • Little Big Planet with a friend of mine

                            WHILE WEARING MY NEW SUPER-DUPER-AWESOME LBP SHIRT! (from hot topic)



                            • awesome shirt

                              Tried to get my gf to play RE2, she's not a video game person at all, she died like 5 times trying to get to the police station, then she made me play


                              • Originally posted by TheBlackMamba View Post
                                Tried to get my gf to play RE2, she's not a video game person at all, she died like 5 times trying to get to the police station, then she made me play
                                I tried getting my ex to play Silent Hill, she handed me the controller when she found the dead dog in the alley...

                                oh on topic I'm playing (checks PS2) Silent Hill 2 GH..forgot I was doing a Born on a Wish run. I hate that puzzle with the key
                                Last edited by Harry Mason; 08-01-2009, 06:39 PM.

