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  • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
    The only thing that upsets me about Dissidia is that Ultimecia is in it instead of Seifer. I know she was the main antagonist in FFVIII, but, damn it...Squall and Seifer were the rivalry.
    I would have preferred if Seifer was in it (he's my favorite FF character), but the only thing that annoys me more is that they seem to have completely forgotten the accent they set-up for Ultimecia within Final Fantasy VIII. I don't hear her English voice going "Kurse you SeeD!"

    Since it is the main rivalry, it should have been Seifer in there however it IS the main antagonist of the game in the end.

    *Sighs* I'll be playing as another character instead of Ulti mainly in Dissidia, since her English voice bugs me...
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    • Sephiroth is my all time fave FF villain followed by seifer almasy


      • Just got back from the Forest World in SH4 and wow, Spoiler:
        Last edited by GuardhouseMusic; 08-02-2009, 07:05 AM.


        • "No, don't open that door!"
          ... Was playing RE1 - Director's Cut again.

          And now I suddenly feel like playing Final Fantasy IV - DS remake.

          ((Cloud Strife, I'm not a VII fan. I find it extremely over-rated, it's graphics were nothing spectacular in contrast to RE1. I started with VI, so I prefer the classic series which was I to VI more than the latter)).
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          • After playing through REmake (the Wii version) again five times, I think I'm going to give it a rest for awhile. Playing through it again really helped me appreciate some of the smaller tweaks Capcom made to the formula with RE4. Things like mapping the knife to the L button, allowing you to reload your weapon by tapping B instead of having to go to an inventory screen, being able to use herbs on the spot and the ability to combine them with other herbs in your inventory if you're out of space when you pick one up, and being able to push objects simply by pressing and holding A instead of having to walk into them until the character switches to the pushing animation. It just makes pushing objects so much smoother and less cumbersome.


            • Ive started playing Uncharted Drakes Fortune. The Graphics are amazing and it's pretty good. I like the characters and the dialog between them in it. Spoiler:

              It's a pretty great game so far.


              • Turned on my 360 today to find that my Resident Evil 5 save data was corrupt so I'm playing through the game again. It helps that I love it.


                • Originally posted by Enetirnel View Post
                  Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                  The only thing that upsets me about Dissidia is that Ultimecia is in it instead of Seifer. I know she was the main antagonist in FFVIII, but, damn it...Squall and Seifer were the rivalry.
                  I would have preferred if Seifer was in it (he's my favorite FF character), but the only thing that annoys me more is that they seem to have completely forgotten the accent they set-up for Ultimecia within Final Fantasy VIII. I don't hear her English voice going "Kurse you SeeD!"

                  Since it is the main rivalry, it should have been Seifer in there however it IS the main antagonist of the game in the end.

                  *Sighs* I'll be playing as another character instead of Ulti mainly in Dissidia, since her English voice bugs me...
                  Dissidia was cocked up in many ways. Their choices of characters seem to be entirely based on... uhm...

                  FFIV could've just as well used Zemus as its bad guy (as he was the real bad guy of FFIV)
                  FFV could've just as well used a Warrior of Dawn for main character (but I guess Butz/Bartz was an obvious "next in line".)
                  FFVI could've just as well used Celes for its good guy (Kefka and Celes were the two magitech enhanced soldiers)
                  FFVII could've just as well slapped in Zack, Aeris or Jenova for its character choices. Or something more messed up, subtle, yet relevant, like Hojo.
                  FFVIII could've just as well used Seifer (as he was the counterpart to Squall, but not the bad guy)
                  FFX could've just as well used Yunalesca, Yu Yevon or Seymour (seeing as they've been selective with how they picked good guy/bad guy pairings for most titles)

                  At the end of the day, I guess it was some sort of obscure popularity contest, where someone cried about how Character X wasn't popular or iconic enough ('cause the pretentious fans never knew that character) or because a character was too popular to be "abused" as a bad guy (Seifer)


                  • pokemon platinum =_= I don't know what possessed me too even start playing it but now i'm hooked again damn you pocket monsters!!!! XD


                    • Heh heh, I'd rather play the Game Boy Color games. Those were oh so fun, and some of the glitches were pretty awesome. Anybody recall "MissingNo."?


                      I'm still playing various Resident Evil games, mainly the REmake (again) and RE2.


                      • I'm playing through Uncharted some more. The gun fights are quite hard. But very fun. I like the platforming parts better though.



                        • Uncharted is one of the best games ever


                          • Originally posted by Dark_Chris View Post
                            Uncharted is one of the best games ever
                            Well Ill see about that. Hopefully it is. It's been very good so far. Not the best game ever but still very good. The Graphics are fantastic though. And I love the artwork and designs.


                            • Playing through RE Gaiden again... don't know why.


                              • Carnivol, that's really my issue with it. Then again, it was the "New Blood" division of Nomura's that handled it so it is somewhat to be expected... I still hope that if they do make a second Dissidia that they do it right and have a more varied character selection that makes sense...

                                Anyway, I've been playing RE2 again. Decided to randomly clear areas, backtrack areas and capture some footage to follow up on some requests.

                                Am currently doing a Walk Around The R.P.D. in RE2.
                                Non-blurry Signature Version
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