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  • Originally posted by The Dude View Post
    Tried playing Dark Sector which I got for under £6 a few weeks ago, but thought the game was pretty dire so its back on my shelf.
    As crazy as this is going to sound, I absolutely loved that game. It was my sleeper hit of last year. It's incredibly generic in just about every conceivable way, and yet there was just something about it that clicked with me. I enjoyed it more than any high profile title that has come out on both the PS3 and the 360.

    For me, it was about as close as any game has gotten, or perhaps even will get, to a perfect blending of RE4's aesthetics and atmosphere with Gears of War's more refined third person cover/shooter gameplay mechanics. I'm not saying the game itself is perfect by any means, mind you, but it felt more like a proper successor to RE4 than RE5 did, at the very least from a gameplay perspective, but even aesthetically, Dark Sector managed to deliver more of a survival horror-esque atmosphere than RE5. It even had some rather intelligently integrated puzzles (the puzzles themselves weren't difficult, but the way they were integrated into the environment and overall gameplay was great).

    I'd love to see a sequel, but I doubt that will ever happen considering how poorly it sold. Heck, I wouldn't mind seeing Digital Extremes take a crack at the RE series, if Capcom ever decided to farm it out to a Western developer.

    Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
    I have absolutely no clue how can one replay RE4 for more than 2 times, without having at least 6 months between the playthroughs...
    It's simple. Much like playing through the previous RE games multiple times, you play through differently each time. Trying different weapons, tactics, even adding personal handicaps. Use your imagination. I would even say RE4 lends itself better to multiple playthroughs than the previous games, what with the wide variety of weapons available to you and the differing attributes of each.

    I had a blast (no pun intended) playing through the game with different weapons loadouts, trying out each gun to see how different they felt and see what truly set them apart from the other weapons in their respective categories. In fact, this was one of my issues with the guns in RE5. There were more of them, but none of them were particularly distinct. They all felt very "same-y," whereas each gun in RE4 felt noticeably different from the others.

    Still, if someone hates RE4, then they're never going to understand how someone can play through it multiple times, much like how it boggles my mind whenever someone says they've played through, say, Final Fantasy VII, VIII, X, or X-2 umpteen million times, but whatever.
    Last edited by Archelon; 08-11-2009, 09:18 PM.


    • I was playing Uncharted again and it gets a bit better now.



      • The guns might seem samey because you get infinite ammo once you upgrade them.

        The magnums are essentially the same, the shotguns are essentially the same, instead of a mine thrower we have a grenade launcher and/or proximity mines, Krauser's bow, more machine guns, 1 more rifle etc etc.

        RE5 just didn't do gameplay as well as RE4. It got easier and even more linear. I mean just look at Ndesu and the chapter before him.


        • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
          That, like Twilight Princess, felt epic fail to me. They didn't feel like Zelda. WW felt weird, and TP felt frustrating more than anything else. I didn't enjoy it. Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are absolutely fantastic though.
          I strongly disagree. I thought WW and TP were both great games.

          Was it the cel shaded animation in WW that got to you?

          And I'm fan of the rest of the games you speak of. I definitely think they're fantastic. But I found absolutely nothing wrong with the newer ones.

          I'm playing World of Warcraft, StarCraft, and CoD: WaW, specifically the Nazi Zombies variant.

          That is fun.


          • Got a bit bored today, decided to play Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain and made S.T.A.R.S. Wesker in it and had fun considering that the automatic weapon given is a Beretta 92F.

            I miss the online servers...
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            • Still playing SH3 hard mode after taking a break for a few days. Just before the sewers I believe, I love the effect of green and brown turning orange and red as you go down the stairs.

              Also playing MvsC2 and getting the hang of it. People still cheese but I'm working on besting them. Cable, Commando, Iron Man, Juggernaut, Sentinel, etc.


              • Replaying Final Fantasy VIII. I've lost track of how many times I've played it... probably because the time clock broke when it hit around 1000 hours.

                I'm thinking about playing through the Drakengard games, or maybe finally getting around to playing Chaos Legion. In the end, I'll probably get side-tracked and will end up playing Rogue Galaxy for no apparent reason.
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                • I was on Left 4 Dead not so long ago I finished the first two campains talk about a stress full game I caint count how meny times I have been killed or the AI has.


                  • Currently playing FF7 again! Its pretty nostalgic playing the games of the past!


                    • The Godfather II. The execution styles are pure class. Feeding a mobster with tommy gun bullets feels damn nice
                      Last edited by Beanovsky Durst; 08-15-2009, 04:41 AM.

                      "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                      • Just yesterday I decided to go up to the mall and get my Spyro 2 Gateway to Glimmer/Ripto's Rage game cleaned. It hasn't worked in over 8 years for me.

                        I got back, put it in, and it works! SO much nostalgia from playing this game, especially since I haven't played it since I was a kid either. All these great memory's coming back it was so fun. Insomniac are very good game developers. Almost had a tear in my eye while playing it was so awesome and full of nostalgia.


                        • Hah! I loved playing spyro on PSone! Saved all dragons and all that, retrieving dragon eggs from those annoying enemies taunting you!


                          • I bought the original Spyro from the PlayStation Store and it still gives me joy on my PSP.


                            • Just wrapped up Demons of the Badlands (Red Faction: Guerrilla DLC Pack #1)
                              Still got a few things left to do in that game.

                              Started playing through the N+ (XBLA) Co-op levels with a friend the other night, probably gonna see if we can finish them tonight.


                              • Metal Gear solid would be more nostalgic, snake vs liquid lol

