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  • Originally posted by GuardhouseMusic View Post
    Gilgamesh is a good nostalgic bumbling anti-hero. Excalipur.
    Excalipoor in VIII.
    That always sucked when that happened.
    But I guess that's what you get when Seifer (my favorite FF character) decided to go onto the same level with Zantetsuken Reverse... on Odin.

    Which really sucked, getting taken out by your own move.
    Last edited by Enetirnel; 08-26-2009, 07:48 AM.
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    • Go StarCraft and CS.1.6....

      Trust me, I would've gotten CS:S if my computer could handle it.


      • CSS is good, but its easier to get headshots there and the weapons have lost their complete different feel from each other. Many high-tier players still play 1.6 because it simply demands more skill.


        • Oh, I know firsthand that 1.6 demands very high skill.

          I average little to no kills a game. It's ridiculous how good people are...


          • Most CS 1.6 players are seasoned vets, so you need to do considerable research on weapons handling and walling in order to even start reaching that 1:1 KDR.

            Playing Wolfenstein 2, and if there ever was a term "generic shooter" that fit a game, this would be it. Im immensely disappointed. This game just sucks...


            • Still playing Final Fantasy VIII, played Haunting Ground for a bit and since Clock Tower 3 arrived today - I'll probably give it a shot although I'm still a bit iffy about it's more apparently fantasy inspired themes in contrast to the other Clock Tower games and even Haunting Ground.
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              • Final Fantasy X

                I needed a survival horror break. xD

                The voice acting is killing me though. At least in RE the voice acting is laughable, in FFX it's just bad. minus a few characters.


                • Originally posted by Inferno04 View Post
                  Final Fantasy X

                  I needed a survival horror break. xD

                  The voice acting is killing me though. At least in RE the voice acting is laughable, in FFX it's just bad. minus a few characters.
                  Sure some cutscenes in FFX are terrible, like the laughing scene in Luca. That was cringe-worthy, but Final Fantasy X-2... now there were a lot more worse ones in X-2 such as the Scooby Doo references and whatnot.

                  Played Crisis Core for a bit, then got fed up with it. Tired of seeing Sephiroth and Cloud EVERYWHERE.
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                  • I actually liked how tongue in cheek FFX-2 was, it was a break from the generic we have to save the world via long ass journey formula the FF series seem constantly tied to.

                    Currently playing Batman: Arkham Asylum, pretty damn awesome so far.


                    • Originally posted by The Dude View Post
                      I actually liked how tongue in cheek FFX-2 was, it was a break from the generic we have to save the world via long ass journey formula the FF series seem constantly tied to.
                      I like X-2 for that same reason, however sometimes in some chapters it's just too cheesy for me.

                      Still, good game even though it is purposely over the top.
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                      • Originally posted by Enetirnel View Post
                        Sure some cutscenes in FFX are terrible, like the laughing scene in Luca. That was cringe-worthy, but Final Fantasy X-2... now there were a lot more worse ones in X-2 such as the Scooby Doo references and whatnot.

                        Played Crisis Core for a bit, then got fed up with it. Tired of seeing Sephiroth and Cloud EVERYWHERE.
                        The laughing scene in Luca...My CD stopped RIGHT at that scene, I had to rush to play music over it. ><

                        FF X-2...I like Sphere Break. And regrettably, the 'Sailor Moon'-esque way of changing classes. Blitzball in X-2 sucks though, it's so much better in X. I'm addicted to FFX Blitzball. xD I just absolutely hate the scripting though. Absoulutely. The break from conventional saving the world WOULD be refreshing, if the players we controlled weren't braindead bimbos.

                        Rikku, Yuna, what HAPPENED to you!? D= It seems like everyone else got a lot dumber too. Cid, Brother, Lulu, etc.


                        • I just finished Uncharted! It was soo epic! I loved it.


                          Now that I finished Uncharted. I'm left with a decision. Play Fahrenheit, or play Forbidden Siren. They both look pretty amazing.


                          • Since my Ps3 died on me, I am currently playing Haunted Grounds and Resident Evil 4(again)


                            • Originally posted by Swagger View Post
                              Since my Ps3 died on me, I am currently playing Haunted Grounds and Resident Evil 4(again)
                              What do you think of Haunting Ground so far?


                              • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                                What do you think of Haunting Ground so far?
                                When you first suggested it I was like looks interesting. The start of the game is kinda boring but when you get further I loved it! Its still pretty hard for me but I'll get used to it

