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  • I played it at a friends house and it made me fucking rage.


    • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
      I played it at a friends house and it made me fucking rage.
      Yeah, I damn near broke the controller. It's...frustrating to say the least.


      • Originally posted by GuardhouseMusic View Post

        Just give it one playthrough. If the great story and disturbing presentation don't win you over and cover for the gameplay, then I'd be surprised. The "BS" is really nothing you can't get used to and adapt.
        I think you misunderstood me; I've beaten the game before (twice, infact), but I just don't find it fun enough to warrant yet another playthrough. There's just not enough good that outweighs the bad.
        A man chooses...a slave obeys.


        • Oh okay. Sorry for the second guessing.


          • Originally posted by YamiYumes View Post
            After a hiatus (cause I got stuck lolz) I started playing Mirror's Edge once again. Forgot how fucking annoying the gameplay could be >:C
            Near the end, it got pretty action-oriented... but it shouldn't take that long to get used to the controls. After that, it's smooth as silk. That is... until the 20 cops rush you. Then it's a matter of them adding too much combat in the last few levels, especially on hard mode. That's what I'd fix in ME2: less combat in the last few levels. Keep it more centered around the platforming and fluidity of freerunning. Also make it longer.

            I love Mirror's Edge.


            • Originally posted by DarkMemories View Post
              I think you misunderstood me; I've beaten the game before (twice, infact), but I just don't find it fun enough to warrant yet another playthrough. There's just not enough good that outweighs the bad.
              the game is so boring having enemies that don't stay dead.
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              • Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                Near the end, it got pretty action-oriented... but it shouldn't take that long to get used to the controls. After that, it's smooth as silk. That is... until the 20 cops rush you. Then it's a matter of them adding too much combat in the last few levels, especially on hard mode. That's what I'd fix in ME2: less combat in the last few levels. Keep it more centered around the platforming and fluidity of freerunning. Also make it longer.

                I love Mirror's Edge.
                That's my biggest complaint, the stupid fucking cops. It takes like...three shots to kill you. And it's kind of hard to wall run when someone's shooting you with a machine gun >C


                • Originally posted by GuardhouseMusic View Post
                  Oh okay. Sorry for the second guessing.
                  'Tis okay. I worded it weirdly so I can see where you're coming from.
                  A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                  • Originally posted by YamiYumes View Post
                    That's my biggest complaint, the stupid fucking cops. It takes like...three shots to kill you. And it's kind of hard to wall run when someone's shooting you with a machine gun >C
                    Eh, you have nothing but a tank top on with some joggers. I imagine that a few shots would kill you in real life, as you can in this game.

                    In the meantime, onward to more TF2. That game is awesome.


                    • Finished Siren Blood curse. Playing through Planescape: Torment and Gay Tony before Dragon Age arrives.


                      • ^ Blood Curse was so good... Makes me wish they brought over Forbidden Siren 2, or at least redid it like they did the first Siren.


                        • I don't know when I'll get back to playing FS on the PS2, as the gameplay is hard as fuck and the presentation is cardboard thin. I should give it another chance surely, but most likely after the semester's done. I'd like to get Blood Curse at some point, but I'm daunted by all the other PS3 games I don't yet own.


                          • I just finished Uncharted 2 awhile ago, and I'm now alternating between Persona psp, kingdom hearts 258/2 days, the first Silent Hill on my psp and..... Saw. I honestly want to pick up Tekken 6 though; I just can't justify a purchase at the moment since I just recently bought a bunch of games. Dead Space Extraction was also really good, but I finished it in a day on the normal setting and haven't touched it since. Has anyone played Tekken 6 yet? I'm also semi-curious about Cursed Mountain, too.. There's really just too many games to play at the moment. heh


                            • Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                              Near the end, it got pretty action-oriented... but it shouldn't take that long to get used to the controls. After that, it's smooth as silk. That is... until the 20 cops rush you. Then it's a matter of them adding too much combat in the last few levels, especially on hard mode. That's what I'd fix in ME2: less combat in the last few levels. Keep it more centered around the platforming and fluidity of freerunning. Also make it longer.

                              I love Mirror's Edge.
                              yea i found the same thing with the last few levels which made them pretty frustrating. Over All though i loved the game and even found the story interesting. Personally for the second Mirrors Edge i want to be able to free roam around the city! I would also like more tricks and more Online options.


                              • I'm still working my way through Borderlands, 30 hours into it. Very damn fun.

