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  • Playing good ol' fashioned System Shock 2.


    • Welcome to the third part! Finally, I get to make a video series of this, and after a year of waiting I finally get to try my hands on playing as Mega Man Volnutt, Zero, Frank West, and Viewtiful Joe. And their all awesome too!

      Here is Part 3:

      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

      The following music featured in this part include:

      (0:10) Vs. Tekkaman & Mega Man Volnutt
      ♫ Red Hot Body Movin' (Beastie Boys vs. Sonic Adventure) - Mixed by Disappearerer

      (1:33) Vs. Viewtiful Joe & Yatterman-2
      ♫ Raid Blue - Stage 5A (Sin & Punishment)

      (2:56) Vs. Joe The Condor & Casshan
      ♫ Galactor Base (Original Track) (Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom Ultimate All-Stars)

      (4:32) Vs. Ryu & Ken The Eagle
      ♫ Wacky Workbench {Present} (Sonic The Hedgehog CD Japan)

      (6:12) Vs. Yatterman-1 & Zero
      ♫ Daigo Temple {Cherry Blossom} (Tatsunoko vs. Capcom ultimate All-Stars)

      (8:12) Vs. Doronjo & Roll
      ♫ King Blue's Space Station (Viewtiful Joe)

      (9:37) Vs. Alex & Jun The Swan
      ♫ Fallen City - Mega Man Zero stage (Onimusha Blade Warriors)

      I hope you guys are enjoying this run as much as I had, and I hope maybe you'll learn something from this series. Also, PEMNAS stands for "PLEASE EXCUSE MY NOOB ASS SKILLS". I invented the term myself.
      If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P


      • Being re-grabbing the trophies on heavy rain and playing a bit of Zombie Apocalypse was supposed to be getting the HR dlc but i didn't pre order my copy =_=, anyway next week will be desperate escape and Perfect Dark on xbla.


        • Just finished playing Lylat Wars (Starfox 64) for the first time in 6 years, was awesome fun but I sucked at it. Still as good a I remembered it. Just wish I had all my old consoles with me to bash all the classics.
          Last edited by Enrico Marini; 03-10-2010, 06:54 PM.


          • just got done beating Dragon Age: Origins again for the 3rd time.

            This is probably one of my favorite games ever. Though there is a few parts I dont care for:


            Great game though none-the-less. BRING ON AWAKENING!


            • I'm currently playing Dr. Mario on my parents' old Super Nintendo. lol.


              • I've logged over 15 hours with Dissidia Final Fantasy and I'm still not finished with the storyline. I played the stories for all ten characters first, starting with the easiest ones and ending with Warrior of Light(FF1), and I'm only just now on the second stage of the main storyline. The story is pretty lame and the gameplay is getting a little annoying at this point, but still, I can't remember logging this much time with a PSP game since MGS: Portable Ops or God of War: Chains of Olympus.


                • Unreal Tournament for PC. Yes, the first one. It's incredible comfortable with an X360 gamepad, and I hooked it to my TV to get the "console" experience. I must admit the game has aged pretty well and I would love to see a port to X360 (or PS3 for those who apply ).

                  "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                  • Resident Evil 5 been on LIN and DE both on hard.
                    Last edited by Sephiroth; 03-11-2010, 02:58 PM.


                    • Once more I find myself drawn to the good ol' standby: Pokemon Diamond.

                      Looking forward to more Mass Effect 2 DLC and God of War III later this month.
                      A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                      • Assassins Creed 2, and COD6


                        • God Of War 3. I haven't played a GOW game before.


                          • Biohazard 3 !
                            Last edited by fujin78; 03-14-2010, 12:00 PM.


                            • Biohazard 1.5
                              Really? Whats it like?

                              I've been getting into the oldschool games of late. Recently been playing Snowboard Kids. Still fun but not as fun as playing against my brother and friends. Ahh nostalgia. ● ● ● ●


                              • The Outbreak games solo offline because I'm already sick of the 360. I'm planning to buy a Japanese PS2 sometime this month.
                                Last edited by VirusPunk; 03-13-2010, 07:08 PM.

