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  • Just added Dead Space, FFXIII and Blue Dragon to my line-up also Stranglehold and Perfect Dark XBLA. Haven't got to Dead Space yet FFXIII is leaving me feeling much the same as Enrico although I really enjoyed IX. Blue Dragon is giving me that "this is a great RPG feeling" and Perfect Dark is pure nostalgia in a can working my way through on Special grabbing the cheats as I go . . .

    EDIT: How come Vanille's voice can vault from normal to terribly irritating in a single sentence?
    Last edited by Rancid Cheese; 05-26-2010, 08:04 PM.


    • Just bought Doom II and rented Battlefield: Bad Company 2.

      I just jizzed my pants when I saw that I can unlock a Marine avatar suit on Doom II. I usually don't care for this kind of stuff, but Doom Marine is god.

      "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


      • Finished Metal Gear Solid PSP on Extreame know to wait for Peace Walker.


        • Just bought Killing Floor, so I'm having tons of fun with that.


          • Red Dead Redemption is goddamn awesome. I figured it would be GTA: Wild Wild West, and it kind of is in some aspects, but it's a whole lot more. The story is very cool and interesting but I haven't even put a dent in it yet. I've been far too busy shooting wild animals, playing poker and horseshoes, and hunting down bounties. I've also just scratched the surface with multiplayer.


            • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
              Red Dead Redemption is goddamn awesome. I figured it would be GTA: Wild Wild West, and it kind of is in some aspects, but it's a whole lot more. The story is very cool and interesting but I haven't even put a dent in it yet. I've been far too busy shooting wild animals, playing poker and horseshoes, and hunting down bounties. I've also just scratched the surface with multiplayer.
              I agree with this. I didn't like GTA4 at all even though I was expecting to because I loved all the previous GTA games. RDR seems to have everything GTA4 didn't and more. It has a decent story. It has a likeable protagonist. It has a charming environment and the game just has personality, it doesn't feel like a bland man driving around in a bland environment shooting people like GTA4 did. Between the missions there's loads to go and it feels like there is a world to explore around you which lives on all by itself. I'm very impressed with this game and it's one of the few games I'm playing at the moment too.

              I'm also still playing through Pokemon Soul Silver, World of Warcraft and I just bought Mario + Luigi: Bowser's inside story yesterday, so I'll give that a spin later too.


              • Would be playing FF13 if I hadn't had to dismantle my tv unit, get my land lord to lug it upstairs with me when he visited, and have to wait for confirmation that the other tennant has left so I can take the Big room. Shame.

                As most people complain, it takes far too long for it to get good, and I wanted to hit Hope so much. But its actually grown on me. I'm only at chapter 9 and have wasted 25hrs or so grinding for cash to make better weapons.

                Feels like 10 which isn't a bad thing. Never completed 12 though. Definately tempted to grab a copy of 13 instead of rental. Feel it might be worth another blitz through.

                my only complaint is why must every one (i've met so far) from Pulse speak in an Australian accent. That and I feel Vanille needs to be gagged in a similar way to Rikku.


                • Originally posted by Enrico Marini View Post
                  That and I feel Vanille needs to be gagged in a similar way to Rikku.
                  Enrico you naughty boy. Truly the mind boggles.

                  I'm playing Resonance of Fate. Interesting little RPG. Not seen much yet though.


                  • Been back on Final Fantasy Dissidia


                    • Mainly DOOM II on 360, and Metro 2033 on 360.


                      • being playing on Bayonetta, command and conquer red alert 3 unleashed
                        and a bit of max payne 2 =_= I have way to many games to complete.


                        • Wolfenstein on Iphone
                          World of Warcraft *again*
                          FFXIII *still have yet to finish it only 15 hours into it, too much work not enough free time*
                          Alan Wake *Played about 2 hours of it then got bored*
                          Red Dead Redemption *About 5 hours into the main storyline*


                          • Well, thanks to a translation patch and an import, I've been playing Persona 2: Innocent Sin and I just finished it. Aesthetically, this is one of the most impressive RPGs I've ever played. Instead of the greater emphasis on realism Persona 3/FES had, P2IS has more of a magic realism feel. The entire NPC world is privy to demons, and one of the major plot points is that rumors eventually become reality if spread far enough. I can see why it wasn't released in the US Spoiler:
                            ; there's some real hedonism in the story and the interactions with scenery NPCs. It definitely would have received an M rating if translated faithfully. Must be said, the music is in-fucking-credible; it's mostly variations on each shop/dungeon/main theme but there are a nice mixture of styles and people will be familiar with the "Velvet Room" BGM. Compared to P3 the dungeons are varied. Wasn't too crazy about the characters, but I suppose in a more fantasy oriented setting they fit the tone.


                            • So I'm playing Red Dead Redemption earlier...just finished up a mission for Nigel West Dickens, and he walks away from me towards his campsite area. I follow him to see what he does, just for shits and giggles. And this is what happened:

                              Last edited by Vector; 06-01-2010, 06:27 PM.


                              • Been on Sonic 2

