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  • Finished Resistance about an hour and a half ago. Wow, what an underwhelming game. I'm quite surprised, especially since this came from Insomniac of all developers. Oh well, got my 10 bucks out of it. Have no desire to play it again on "Super Human" difficultly. Just your standard single-player shooter fps. The story is terribly told. Could have been completely awesome and dramatic, but NOOOO, gotta keep it all "mysterious" and detached so people can wonder about what the Chimera are. There whole approach to the narrative just fell completely flat on it's face. Uncharted put this game to SHAME. You know you fucked up when even the first Gears of War had more story AND character(s) going for it. I wouldn't mind trying the multiplayer for shit's and giggles(it's probably pretty dead), but I obviously can't do that at the moment.

    Either way, I guess it's time to sink some actual time into Mortal Kombat again. Got the challenge tower to get back to working on, as well as beating the regular arcade mode for the endings. Should be really fun. That, and I need to finish Portal soon.
    Last edited by valentinesdead?; 05-05-2011, 12:36 AM.


    • I thought Resistance really lacked boss battles, the Walker/Spider-mech/whatever it was early in the game where you need hit the back of its neck was cool, rest of the game felt missing.

      I only ever played through it once also, I guess at launch it would have seemed a lot better.

      I don't know if they ever fixed it, as of last year they had not, but you can use R1 to sign into PSN and then play an unpatched game, usually playing an unpatched game forces you to sign out.

      I mean a totally different PS3 game, to be clear, like an unpatched MvC3, as an example.
      Last edited by Dracarys; 05-05-2011, 12:48 AM.
      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


      • I didn't much care for Resistance either. It just didn't feel right. The weapons were blah, the enemies also quite boring. And near the end I just wanted to get done with it, something I usually don't get with a game.


        • Going to have to disagree with you there, I think Fall of Man was a better game than Resistance 2. Sure, Resistance 2 had a fantastic multiplayer element and I still play it online even now, but it catered to CoD players with regenerating health and all that crap. Which is why I'm already pleased with Resistance 3, they got rid of regenerating health and put in the good old fashioned health pack. Now you've got to be intelligent and resourceful to win battles instead of just running away and hiding somewhere until your health regenerates.

          For a launch title, Fall of Man was fantastic. Certainly doesn't hold up today though. Also, I think the weapons were far more interesting than what you typically see in first-person shooters. The Bullseye, Auger, etc, all new mechanics which made the game more fun. If there's one thing that Insomniac do well, it's weapons.

          I'm in complete agreement about Hale, he was a very boring character. They tried to add some personality to him in Resistance 2 but aside from his Old Snake-esque 'final hours' near the end of the game, he came across as another generic bald space marine. What's funny is that I think he'll be a much more interesting character in Resistance 3, I'd say why but it would spoil Resistance 2. His legacy lives on.
          Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 05-05-2011, 09:04 AM.
          See you in hell.


          • Mortal Kombat - decided to go through mastering as they say of the characters and of course I'm starting with Sonya

            I hopefully will be picking up Socom 4 today
            "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


            • still working on the same damn one.
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              • I'm flying to Arizona on Thursday! Any recommendations for a good Nintendo DS/DSi/3DS game to keep me busy on the plane? I'm considering Pokemon White or Dragon Quest IX at the moment.. Thor: God of Thunder looks good too. Decisions, decisions..


                • I'd probably say Dragon Quest IX.

                  But that's just me, being a Square fan. >_>;

                  I've been playing Sol Survivor on Steam, MGS4/Uncharted/InFamous on my PS3 but haven't picked them up for a few days because playing with really bad food poisoning isn't fun.

                  Talk about trippy with it and InFamous, played for a few minutes and nearly threw up instantly (I didn't though, luckily) due to the motion blur when grinding along power lines.

                  I'm partially tempted to play a drinking game with Smiley sometime around with either InFamous, Tekken or BlazBlue or something with flashing lights everywhere.

                  Tempted to go back through Mass Effect, or to get around to playing Dead Space or some of the other games like Penumbra and Amnesia on Steam sometime.
                  Last edited by Enetirnel; 05-08-2011, 04:08 AM.
                  Non-blurry Signature Version
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                  • SOcom 4 and Mortal Kombat

                    Seeing as how there is no sign of psn coming back up I'm gonna do what I've been putting off for so long and that's collecting all the treasures in Tomb Raider Underworld so I can finally get platinum
                    "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


                    • Demon Souls and Last Window.


                      • Originally posted by aris13 View Post
                        Last Window.
                        I approve of this.

                        I've been playing through FEAR.
                        Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 05-09-2011, 11:12 AM.
                        See you in hell.


                        • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                          I approve of this.


                          • Started playing Red Dead Redemption. Bar the case of the vanishing horse (I went to collect a bounty and the damned thing mysteriously vanished) it's been fun so far.

                            Still, I like my horse. I might buy the Warhorse just so I have one that doesn't vanish. Of course, I'm assuming you get the Warhorse straight off and I don't have to buy him...


                            • Originally posted by aris13 View Post
                              Funnily enough I've been told that I bear a resemblance to Kyle Hyde.
                              See you in hell.


                              • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                                Bar the case of the vanishing horse
                                Have you tried calling out your horse?

